10: Yongbok

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(Your POV)

I'm back at the usual Cafe shop I go to a few times. I finished writing my new song yesterday, it's called Glow. I'm starting to get a lot better at making songs quick but I'm always staying up late and ruining my sleep schedule. But it's worth it, I even pulled an all nighter last night.

Right now, I'm just sitting down at a table, on my laptop, sipping on some coffee and I'm in the process of making a new beat for another new song. I have my headphones in and I'm starting to make progress. But as last time I was here, I feel a tap on my shoulder. And once again, it was Felix with a cup of coffee in his hand.

Felix: Here again are ya?

You: I could say the same thing to you. Take a seat.

Felix: Alright mate!

Felix took the seat in front of me and I took off my headphones and closed my computer a little so I can see his face better.

Felix: What are you doing on your laptop, you're always here with that.

You: Oh, I'm making music.

Felix: Oh really?

You: Yeah, I'm going to make songs and show JYP them. Hopefully when I send him these songs, he approves them and then I could probably perform it on stage in my next concert with Twice.

Felix: That's cool, how long have you been making music?

You: Well, I just started making music and songs in the beginning of this month but when I was still a trainee, I have been making beats for fun when I'm bored.

Felix: Oh wow, is it difficult to make music?

You: For the beats, no. It's pretty easy just to mess around with sounds and make a dope beat for me. I even got to use my piano at the dorm. But when making lyrics, it's kind of hard to think of what I want the song to be about but at times, it could be pretty easy. Like I said, I've been making beats since I was a trainee, so it's easy.

Felix: (Chuckles) You remind me of my two friends that also make music.

You: Really? Who?

Felix: I don't know if you know them since their trainees like me but their names are Jisung and Changbin.

You: Jisung and Changbin? Yeah, I never met them.

Felix: Well maybe you should, they both can make music and I bet you three would make awesome songs together.

You: Honestly, I would love to meet them. It'll make things a lot easier if I had a couple extra people to work with.

Felix: I bet it would. And they can become members of Stray Kids.

You: Haha, our imaginary band.

Felix: Yeah, they would be perfect for our band.

You: I bet they would be, we could be self-producing idols.

Felix: Well, it's not too late you know. Like I said, you could always quit Twice and just tell JYP that you want to join the new band I'm going to join soon in 3 months.

You: Nah, I still want to stay with Twice. I love them and they love me, I can't leave them.

Felix: Ah, well still, you have time to think about it. Anyways...

Felix took a sip of his drink and stood up.

Felix: I'm quite hungry, I didn't have anything for brekky, only this coffee. I'm gonna get some grub, you wanna come mate?

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