28: Swim

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Mina and I just played games all day in my room. In Minecraft, we were able to beat the game and also beat the Wither too. And then after Minecraft, we played some other Co-op games. But sadly, as time goes by fast when you're having fun, our day ended quicker than I thought. Playing games all day with Mina is so much fun, I hope we do this again some other day.

After dinner, Dahyun asked me if she could sleep in my room tonight and of course, I allowed her. She was excited for our day together, she's been waiting for a long time to hang out with me. Her day with me was ruined because I got sick and she took care of me the whole day, so I owe her for that.

And if you didn't know, Dahyun is now the shortest member of Twice. She's 5' 2'' (157cm) and Chaeyoung is 5' 3" (160cm). Even though it's just 1 inch/3 centimeters difference, Dahyun is now the shortest member in Twice and Chaeyoung was really happy about that.

Anyways, it's the next day. As usual, I'm dreaming. In this dream, nothing crazy is happening. I'm just lying down in a grassy field with trees around me, enjoying the sun, enjoying the wind, thinking about stuff and relaxing. This is probably the most peaceful dream ever, the sun feels nice on my skin, the grass is fresh and smooth, the wind sounds calming in my ear, this is just great. I think I'm going to sleep in my dream and dream about something else.

But, my dream would soon be ruined as I felt the ground shake. It starts shaking violently like an earthquake. I feel myself shake and vibrate with it and suddenly, dark clouds appear and it starts raining hard. I freak out a bit and stand up, running to a tree nearby to shade me from the rain. It was kind of difficult to run and keep my balance with the ground shaking but I still tried to do it.

As I was almost there, I hear a voice up above say "Wake up!" and then lightning strikes the tree I was trying to run to. I get scared and run to a different tree, but again, I hear something from above say "Wake up! and strike the tree. I try to find another tree but the same thing happens over and over again. I do this for a few more times, until the lightning chooses to strike something else than the trees. I look up to the sky, and as it says "Wake up!" one more time, the lightning strikes me. As soon as it did, I wake up in my room.

You: Ahh!

Dahyun: Wake up!!!

I open my eyes and see Dahyun on top of me, holding my shoulders, shaking me and yelling at me to wake up.

Dahyun: Wake up!!!

Her yelling hurts my ears and her shaking is hurting my head.

You: Ahh! Okay! I'm awake! Stop!!!

Dahyun: Yay! Finally!

Dahyun finally stopped shaking me and pulled me into a hug. I start feeling a bit dizzy and I hug Dahyun back but weak since I just woke up.

Dahyun: Good morning Y/n!

You: Mmm... Good morning...

Dahyun: You ready for our day together?

You: (Sigh) Not really... I'm still super tired...

Dahyun: (Giggles) C'mon! Get up! Let's go out and eat breakfast!

You: Wha...

She broke the hug and got off of me. I looked at Dahyun and noticed that she was dressed and freshened up. I guess she was able to wake up early and get ready for the day. I rub my eyes, stretch and yawn and once I rest, I looked back at Dahyun.

You: Why don't we eat breakfast here...

Dahyun: Because! I want to start our date now and eat out with you! Let's go! Come on!

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