30: Picnic

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After me and Chaeyoung get our ice cream, our day continues. She continued to draw, I continued to watch videos, we continued to talk about stupid stuff and then  ends once we ate dinner on my bed. After we ate, Dahyun and Tzuyu came into my room. Dahyun grabbed my dishes and left the room with them and Chaeyoung followed behind her with her dishes. And then Tzuyu sat down next to me and said she was going to sleep in my room tonight.

So, after I put my laptop back on my desk and turned off the lights, me and Tzuyu lied down on my bed and snuggled up close to each other. She rested her head on my chest and hugged me and I had an arm around her and rested my chin on her head. Hopefully, after I sleep with Tzuyu, I can take a break from them and sleep on my bed alone.

But now it's the next day. I'm not having another crazy, thank god. I'm just at the bottom of the sea, ironing my shirt while I'm talking to a shark, who is my co-worker, and we're talking about work and stuff. And then after I iron my shirt and put it on, we both get inside his car and he drives both of us to work. And then I don't remember much of what happens next.

I wake up on my own again and when I open my eyes, I see Tzuyu is laying in front of me. She's also awake, and she's just staring at me. We're not snuggled close to each other like we were when we slept, which I was upset about. Not only do I like sleeping while cuddling with someone, but I love waking up to it too. I yawn and stretch and after a few seconds, I rest and hug Tzuyu's waist. I pull her close to my chest and she just holds onto my shirt.

Tzuyu: Good morning.

You: Morning... When did you wake up?

Tzuyu: Like an hour ago.

You: An hour ago? Were you just staring at me the whole time?

Tzuyu: Yeah. You looked so peaceful when you sleep, I couldn't take my eyes off of you.

You: Ah well, thank you Tzuyu. Don't know how you can look at someone for a whole hour and not be bored.

Tzuyu: Well, I can look at your face all day. Sleeping or not, you're always hot 24/7.

You: Hehe, same goes for you too Tzuyu. You're always so beautiful.

Tzuyu: (Giggles)

Me and Tzuyu stay like this for a couple more minutes, until she breaks the hug by pushing me away gently and sitting up. She looks down at me and smiles and starts caressing my face.

Tzuyu: I'm going to go ahead and freshen up first, is that fine?

You: Yeah, go ahead.

Tzuyu: Thanks, I'll let you know when I'm done so you can go ahead and freshen up next.

You: Alright.

Tzuyu gave me a kiss on the lips before getting up and leaving my room. When she left, I sat up and went on my phone. I just played a game on it while I waited for her to finish up her morning routine.


After Tzuyu finished her morning routine, she went back into my room and told me that I could go ahead and start mine. So after I grabbed my clothes and a towel, I went inside the bathroom and started my routine. And once I was done freshening up and exited the bathroom, Tzuyu was waiting on the other side. We both smiled at each other, gave each other a kiss and hugged.

Tzuyu: Finally you're done, I was waiting out here for you the whole time you were in there.

You: Haha, why? You could've just waited in my room.

Tzuyu: I know but I just wanted to be close to you as possible.

You: Aww~ That's kind of adorable.

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