11: Move

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I just woke up from my sleep that I took in the afternoon. I sit up and stretched. Now that I slept in the afternoon, I guess I'm staying up late again, making songs and stuff. I get out of bed and as soon as I did, I hear yelling outside my room. I open my door and peak my head out. The yelling is coming from the living room.

I start walking towards the living room slowly.

Sana: You girls always ruin my plans!! Do I ever get in the way of your plans?! No!! So stop ruining my time with him!!!

Chaeyoung: It was my plan too Sana!!!

Tzuyu: Mine as well!

Sana: No it wasn't!! I soon as I said it, you all decided to join in too!!!

Jeongyeon: That's not true at all! We all planned it!

They all planned it? What were they planning on doing? I continued walking down to the living room but stopped when I heard my name.

Sana: No you girls didn't! As soon as I said I wanted to hang out with Y/n for a whole week, you all had to take him away! Y/n was supposed to be mine!!!

Nayeon: Well what about you Sana?! You copied me when I kissed Y/n!! As a matter of fact, you all did!!!

Sana: That's because it wasn't fair! We all wanted to kiss Y/n but we didn't plan on doing that! Instead, you just kissed him without even telling us before you went out!

Nayeon: And that's why we took your week with him away! Because we all wanted to hang out with him and it wouldn't be fair if you just had a whole week with him!

Sana: At least I told you girls my plan! You just kept things to yourself! I called dibs on a whole week but you all didn't care about me!

Nayeon: Oh shut up Sana, you're such a kid!

Sana: I'm not a KID!


Nayeon: Hey! Don't push me!


Sana: Ahh! I hate you!!!

Jihyo: You two calm down! Everyone calm down!! You all are ridiculous!!!

As soon as she said that, I heard her yell and then heard a bang.

Jihyo: Ow~

Oh no, she's hurt and the girls continue to yell at each other again.

Nayeon: You all had to copy me and kiss Y/n! You all were too jealous!

Jeongyeon: It was to make things fair!

Sana: Same with me trying to hang out with Y/n! You all copied me!!

Chaeyoung: Oh my god, shut up Sana! We didn't copy you, we all planned on hanging out with Y/n! And to make things more fair, we each got to hang out with Y/n for a whole day!

Momo: Well, you all got to spend the whole day with Y/n! I just got to eat dinner with him! I think it's fair that I get to hang out with him more after this!

Dahyun: Excuse me?!?! I didn't even get to go outside with him! I had to take care of his sick butt!! I should get to hang out with him after this!!!

Mina: After Dahyun and Momo, I'm going on another date with him.

Tzuyu: Actually, I'm going to have another date with him. He said that he wanted to hangout with me more.


They kept yelling and I walked into the living room. They didn't know I was here. I saw Jihyo on the ground, she was holding the back of her head. They probably pushed her.

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