15: "Confession"

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(Jihyo's POV)
(Beep! Beep!! Beep!!!)

I wake up to the sound of my alarm that's going off on my phone. I groan and quickly turn it off. I stretched, yawned and continued to lie down. I was still lying down on Y/n's bed, still hugging the pillow I put Y/n's shirt on. It's the next day, which means,

Jihyo: (Giggles) You're gonna be mine baby.

I get up and leave Y/n's room. I go to my room and enter inside. The girls were still sleeping. I go to my drawer, pick out clothes I wanted to wear today and then started my morning routine in the bathroom.

(Your POV)

I woke up early and just finished my morning routine. I freshened up and I'm ready for the day, if I even have plans. I might just spend the whole day working on my new song. I'm almost done with the beat, I just got to do a little bit more and then I can work on the lyrics.

I sit down on the couch and was about to open my laptop but suddenly my phone rang beside me. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID. It was Jihyo. I answer the phone and hold it up against my ear.

You: Hello?

Jihyo: Good morning!

You: Good morning, what's up?

Jihyo: I was just wondering if you were available to go down to the cafe shop and chat a little bit.

You: Sure, should we go right now?

Jihyo: If that's fine with you.

You: Yeah that's fine.

Jihyo: Great! I'll meet you in the lobby!

You: Okay, I'll see you soon.

I hung up the phone and I immediately grabbed my wallet. I put my phone and wallet in my pockets and I left the dorm and headed my way to the lobby.

(Jihyo's POV)

Before I leave the dorm, I grab my purse and put all my stuff I needed inside it. I go up to the door and was about to open it but somebody caught me leaving.

???: Where are you going?

I turn around and see Dahyun behind me, sitting in the living room.

Jihyo: I'm just going out.

Dahyun: Where?

Jihyo: To the cafe shop and get coffee.

Dahyun: Why? We can just make coffee here.

Jihyo: I know but the cafe shop down the street has some really good coffee. And I need to leave before you girls start yelling at each other and give me a headache.

Dahyun: Oh... Okay...

Jihyo: (Sigh) I just hope that I don't come home and hear you girls yelling and screaming, it's so annoying. I'm sick and tired of it.

I open the door and leave, going down the elevator and meeting Y/n in the lobby.

(Dahyun's POV)

Jihyo left the dorm and headed her way to the cafe shop. Honestly, I'm also sick and tired of us fighting. I want everyone to get along. I was angry that the girls drove Y/n away from me, but it's also my fault. We all scared him off and we're just too stubborn to admit it.

I'm going to make myself a goal while Jihyo is away. I'm going to try to get along with some of my members and we're going to have fun and laugh while we watch a movie and then Jihyo won't come in the dorm and hear us yelling and screaming. She'll come in to the sound of us laughing and having fun.

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