05: Jihyo

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I wake up from my sleep, in the same spot Sana left me at. The first thing I think about was last night. Sana really made out with me. She's so crazy, I can't believe she did that. I don't want our relationship to change but I think it will because of what happened. I think it's going to be awkward when we see each other.

I shake my head and stop thing about it and get up from my bed. I grab my clothes and a towel and head into the bathroom. When I turn on the light, I look in the mirror and see that my lips are a little more red then usually. I wipe my bottom lip a little with my finger. The red stuff appears on my finger, and I guess what it is.

You: Sana's lipstick...

I turn the sink on and wash it off. I then started my morning by brushing my teeth.


After freshening up, it was time to leave the bathroom. When I opened the door, right outside the bathroom was Sana waiting, with her clothes and a towel in hand. We both looked at each other. She smiled at me and I blushed.

Sana: Good morning~

You: G-g-good morning...

Sana giggles from my stutter and called me cute.

You: S-sorry, I'll get out of your way...

Before I could pass by her, Sana quickly kissed my lips and then whispered in my ear,

Sana: I know you liked making out with me, we can go again tonight if you want, but this time, it'll be longer...

I start blushing madly.

You: S-sana... You shouldn't say stuff like that...

I backed away and we looked at each other. She started laughing.

Sana: I'm just messing around!

She playfully punched my arm and started giggling again.

Sana: You know I joke around a lot, don't take it serious! So relax, okay?

You: Hehe, yeah... I'm sorry...

Sana: Go in the kitchen, Jihyo is making Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches for everyone.

You: Okay, I will.

Sana smiled at me one more time and I smiled back. She went into the bathroom and I went into the kitchen. When I went in, I saw Jihyo hand Chaeyoung 2 PB&J sandwiches
She grabbed it and said "Good Morning" to me after walking past me.

You: Hey, Good morning Jihyo.

Jihyo: Morning Y/n! Would you like a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich?

You: Sure.

Jihyo: How many do you want?

You: I'll just take one.

Jihyo: Just one? Okay!

Jihyo started making me a sandwich. When she was done, she handed it to me and I took a bite.

You: Thank you.

Jihyo: You're welcome!

Jihyo made herself one and started to eat hers too.

Jihyo: Hey, do you want to go to the cafe shop that's just across the street from the building?

You: Yeah, I go there a lot to do work. What time are we going?

Jihyo: Do you want to go after we finish our sandwiches?

You: Sure, should I tell the rest?

Jihyo: No, I just want to go with you. I never really spend time with you since the girls always hog you.

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