00: Introduction

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JYP: Let me just give you a reminder. You all are girls and Twice is an awesome girl group. So many people love you girls. If Y/n joins the group, the band might go downhill and there might be a lot of hate towards Y/n. I even talked to him about this and said he was a bit on edge about it but he'll go with your girl's decision. Are you sure you want a boy to join Twice?

Me and the girls looked at each other. We all smiled and nodded our heads. I looked back at JYP,

Jihyo: Yes!

JYP: Alright... I'll let him know about your girl's decision. Just... make sure to protect him from anyone who is hating on him.

Twice: We will!!!

JYP: Good. I hope he does well with you girls

(1 year later)
(Your POV)

It's been a year since I joined Twice. I knew all these girls back from my first year in high school. When all of them graduated, I was still studying at school. I kept in touch with all of them and they even let me know that they were now Kpop Idols and named their band Twice. I was so happy for them but so jealous too.

I wanted to become a Kpop artist as well, so I trained for the 2 years during middle school. I did get into JYP industry in my high school year and began my trainee life there. It was difficult trying to be a trainee and working on school at the exact same time. But once I graduated high school, Twice insisted that I joined them.

I was on edge about it, because I thought it would be embarrassing that a boy would be with a group full of girls. To be honest, for a while, it was but I started getting comfortable with everything. I even have a lot of fans that like me a lot. So many people said I was their bias during fan meetings.

But yeah, I'm here now, with Twice. I'm the maknae in the group, just one year younger than Tzuyu. I'm also a vocalist, rapper and a Main Dancer. Me and Twice are actually on a break for a month. JYP told us this yesterday and also said we can do whatever we want, and what I want to do is sleep all day.

(Jihyo's POV)

Me and the girls are in the living room, talking about what we could do for the month.

Jihyo: I want to go to the mall and buy some clothes and other stuff.

Nayeon: I want to go shopping for groceries and snacks.

Dahyun: I want to spend time on my piano some more and learn new songs.

Momo: I just want food.

Sana: Well, I kind of want to spend more time with Y/n.

Everyone looked at Sana and chuckled a bit.

Jihyo: Ooo~ Do you have a crush on Y/n?

Sana: N-no! I just want to get closer to him since I mostly hang out with you girls.

Chaeyoung: I actually kind of wanted to hang out with Y/n too.

Tzuyu: Me as well.

Sana: Well I want to spend time with Y/n alone, just me and him.

Chaeyoung: Why can't I join?

Sana: Because... Um... You just can't.

Chaeyoung: Well, I also want to spend alone time with him.

Tzuyu: Me as well.

Nayeon: That's not fair, you can't hog Y/n from us. Maybe I want to spend more time with him.

Mina: I also want to spend more time with Y/n.

Jeongyeon: Me too actually, I was hoping me and him would hang out maybe sometime this week.

Sana: What?! No! I mostly want to spend time with him this whole week.

Nayeon: That isn't fair at all Sana.

Dahyun: Can I also spend time with him please?

Momo: Yeah, let me eat dinner with him. I want to be alone with him.

Tzuyu: Me as well.

Sana: Well I call dibs on him for this whole week.

Chaeyoung: Then I call dibs on him the whole next week!

Jeongyeon: You can't do that!

Everyone started arguing about when they wanted to spend time with Y/n. It was getting annoying, so I had to shut them up.

Jihyo: Girls stop arguing! This is ridiculous!

Sana: But I want to spend time with Y/n and they're all ruining my plans!

Chaeyoung: It was my plan too Sana!

Tzuyu: Mine as well.

Sana: Quiet short stuff! You too tall person!

Chaeyoung: What'd you say?!

Jihyo: Sana! Chaeyoung! Be nice! We can all hang out with Y/n. I know what we can do to make stuff fair.

Nayeon: What do you have in mind?

Jihyo: We can all hang out with Y/n individually. We each can have a full day with him, from 12:00am to 11:59pm.

Sana: But I want a week!

Jihyo: That's too much Sana, you get one day with him, just like everyone else. It's fair. So starting tomorrow, one of us gets to hang out with him.

Sana: Hmph, fine. But I get to go first!

Jeongyeon: No! I'll go first!

Nayeon: I will! I'm the oldest!

Dahyun: No I wanna go first!

Chaeyoung: No me!!

Mina: Uh... I would like to go first...

Tzuyu: Me as well.

Momo: I wanna go first! I'm hungry and I want to eat with him!

Jihyo: Girls! Stop it! We'll go by oldest to youngest, so Nayeon will go first, then Jeongyeon, then Momo, then Sana, then me, then Mina, then Dahyun, then Chaeyoung and lastly Tzuyu.

Nayeon: Okay! Sounds good to me!

Dahyun: What! That doesn't sound good to me!

Tzuyu: Me as well.

Chaeyoung: We've always went from oldest to youngest, why can't it be the opposite for once.

Jihyo: I'm leader, what I say goes! And it's better that way, the oldest people do a lot of work.

Dahyun: Fine then.

Jihyo: Good. Like I said, we'll do this starting tomorrow. So Nayeon, your day starts tomorrow with Y/n.

Nayeon: Okay!

Chaeyoung: But-

Jihyo: Alright, conversation over! Let's get something to eat!

Momo: Yes! Let's eat! I'm starving!!

Chaeyoung: I'll wake-

Sana: I'll wake Y/n up! Y/n!!! WAKE UP!!!

Sana ran towards Y/n's room to wake him up. Chaeyoung pouted.

Jihyo: Everyone let's get dressed, we'll eat out for breakfast.

The Male Member Of Twice: Twice x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now