02: Jeongyeon

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(Your POV)
It's the next day, and I just woke up. I looked at the time and it's 11:00am. I missed breakfast.

You: Ugh...

I've been up all night making music. I stretched and got off the bed. I went over to my drawer and grabbed clothes I felt like wearing today. I opened my door and behind it was Jeongyeon. She looked at me and smiled.

Jeongyeon: Morning!

You: Good morning, what's up? Why are you waiting outside my door?

Jeongyeon: I was wondering if you wanted to go to the aquarium.

You: The aquarium? Yeah sure, are the other girls all dressed up already

Jeongyeon: Nah, they're not going, they don't want to go to the aquarium.

You: Darn, so it's just me and you?

Jeongyeon: Yup!

You: Alright, I'm down... Let me take a shower and stuff.

Jeongyeon: Okay! Take your time.

You: Thanks.

Jeongyeon made her way to the living room and I went inside the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. The aquarium huh? I'm down to see some fishy's.

(Jeongyeon POV)

I entered into the living room, where all the girls were sitting down and watching TV.

Jeongyeon: Alright, me and him are gonna head out pretty soon.

Jihyo: Where are you guys going?

Jeongyeon: To the aquarium.

Jihyo: Oh, how nice.

Dahyun: So you decided to take him to see fishes?

Jeongyeon: Yeah, we're gonna have a lot of fun.

Sana: Can I see some fishes too?

Jeongyeon: No Sana, this is my day with Y/n. You can't come along.

Sana: Poop...

Sana pouted and I sat down on the couch, thinking about what today will be like.

Jeongyeon: Today's gonna be fun, I love going to aquariums. I'm mostly looking forward to kissing him though. How did it feel when you kissed him Nayeon?

Chaeyoung: Yeah, tell us about it.

Momo: I kind of want to know too.

Tzuyu: Me as well.

Nayeon: Um...

Everyone looked at Nayeon and waited for her to answer.

Nayeon: I can't tell you how it's like, I don't want to spoil it. You guys can find out when you hang out with him.

Jeongyeon: Yeah, it's probably best if I find out myself. Once he's ready, we're leaving right away.

I waited for Y/n to finish freshening up. I just sat with the girls and watched TV with them.

(Your POV)

After I got dressed and stuff, me and Jeongyeon left the dorm and took a bus to the next city where the aquarium was located. While riding the bus, it was kind of silent between us. We were just on our phone ever since we got on the bus. But suddenly,


You: Oh dear...

Jeongyeon: (Laughs) Was that you?

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