16: Decision

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(Jihyo's POV)

I'm sitting down in the alley way, with my back against the wall. My head is down and I'm disappointed in myself.

Jihyo: (Sigh)

All I had to do was confess to him. I practiced in the mirror and I thought of something to say when I confess. But I went crazy, I couldn't control myself and I was just impatient. I basically threw myself at him and forced him to make out with me.

I should've just stayed calm and say what I needed to say. If I would've done that, then we'd probably be together right now, as a couple. But I messed up, I blew it. My one opportunity and I just threw it away.

Jihyo: Dang it Jihyo... Why'd you have to...

I'm sad. I stand up and leave the alley way. I slowly head my way towards the building, so I can go back to the dorm and just cry.

(Dahyun's POV)

Me and the girls just started making breakfast, while talking, laughing, smiling and having fun. We only have bacon down on the pan while we're mixing pancake mix and stirring eggs yolks. We all were waiting for Sana or Nayeon to wake up, but it seems like both of them were awake when I heard yelling in their room.

Dahyun: Shush! Girls, you hear that?

All the girls stopped talking and listened to the sound of Sana and Nayeon yelling.

Sana: If you were more mature and let me have Y/n, you'd probably get to have another day with him!

Nayeon: Shut up Sana! It's your fault! You scared him away!

Sana: That's not true! Remember?! You're the one that hurt him by leaving your jacket on the ground and making him fall and hit his head!

Nayeon: I didn't think he was gonna walk in! It's not my fault entirely!

Sana: So you're blaming Y/n?!

Nayeon: No, I'm not!

Sana: Well be an adult and take responsibility for it!

Nayeon: Oh shut up Sana, you're not taking responsibility for scaring Y/n away!

Sana: I DIDN'T!!!

Nayeon: YES YOU DID!!!

Dahyun: Come on! Let's go before stuff gets worst!

We head to Sana's and Nayeon's room, which also belongs to Mina and Jihyo. I opened the door quickly and we rushed inside. Nayeon and Sana stopped yelling and looked at all of us. I rushed to Sana and hugged her. Everyone chose who they wanted to hug. Me, Mina and Tzuyu went to hug Sana and Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon and Momo went to hug Nayeon.

Nayeon: What are you girls doing?!

Sana: Let go of me!

Dahyun: Sana! Nayeon! Calm down please!

Sana: Calm down?! Why would I calm down?!

Dahyun: Because this is getting ridiculous! Just stop yelling at each other and let's apologize!

Nayeon: Why would I apologize to that thing over there?! She scared Y/n away and she's blaming others for her actions!

Jeongyeon: Let's admit it! We all scared him away!

Chaeyoung: And yelling won't solve anything! He's not going to come back if we keep this up!

Tzuyu: We've all had enough of arguing with each other!

Mina: And I'm pretty sure Jihyo is fed up with us the most!

Nayeon: Well tell that thing to-

Momo: No! Whatever rude thing you have to say, don't say it!

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