23: Zoo

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(This is kind of important:

Some y'all are upset about the ending to this story and don't know my plan. There are going to be multiple endings to this story. If you're upset that Y/n chose to stay in Twice and didn't choose to stay in Stray Kids, don't be. There will be an ending for it, as well as if Y/n chose only one member instead of all 9. Give me 8 more chapters and I'll make the Stray Kids ending first before I make the endings for the individual members. Be patient, the Stray Kids ending will come.

Anyways, thanks for reading my story. The main end is coming for this story. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or any suggestions you want to read, you can leave it in the comments or message me. I love you all and Goodbye, Au revoir, Adiós)

(The next day)
(Your POV)

I was sleeping on my bed, having a dream about rainbows and ponies. Yesterday, I spent a lot of time with Nayeon and today, I'm guessing I'm going to spend a lot of time with Jeongyeon. I think, even though their all my girlfriends, I'll be spending more time with a single member each day. It's like taking turns with them and I bet tomorrow, I'll be spending more time with Momo. We're going in age order I guess.

Last night, Jeongyeon asked to sleep with me, and I allowed her too. We both cuddled close together and fell asleep quickly due to how comfy we were. But anyways, like I said, I was sleeping on my bed. I was trying to tame this beautiful pony but suddenly, I heard something loud in my room and it woke me up.

You: (Groans) What the heck...

I stretched and yawned and opened my eyes. I don't feel Jeongyeon beside me, so she has to be awake. But I do feel myself already getting a headache from the loud noise that's in my room. And what's worse is that it's continuous and it's moving around on my floor. I can feel the vibration of it.

I turned my head to the side to see what was making that loud noise and I see Jeongyeon. She's vacuuming my room, while I was sleeping. I checked the time on my clock and it was 7:00am. Why the heck would she be vacuuming at this early in the morning, when everyone is asleep and why does she have to do it in my room when I'm asleep?

You: Jeongyeon!

I yelled her name, which caused her to look at me. She smiled and waved at me.

Jeongyeon: Good morning!

You: Ugh! Turn that off!

Jeongyeon: Why?! I just started!

You: It's too loud! Turn it off!

Jeongyeon: But-

You: Just do it!!!

Jeongyeon: Okay okay! Geez...

She turned the vacuum off and lifted it up, making it straight and making it stand up on it own. She then turned to me and put a hand on her hip.

Jeongyeon: What's wrong? Why'd you stop me?

You: Why? It's 7:00am in the morning and you're vacuuming my room while I'm sleeping!

Jeongyeon: Okay... So?

You: So, don't vacuum now. I'm trying to sleep.

Jeongyeon: But I want to clean your room! It's a bit messy and it's bothering me.

You: Well you can clean later. Right now, I just need some sleep.

Jeongyeon: Okay, I'm sorry... I thought you would appreciate it but I guess not.

Jeongyeon looked at the ground and pouted. That made me feel bad for her. I sigh and calmed myself down a bit.

You: Look, I'm sorry I stopped you Jeongyeon and I do appreciate you cleaning my room for me, really I do, but it's way too early to do that. So, can you please do that later and maybe come back to bed with me and we can continuing cuddling?

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