13: Plan

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(The Next Day)
(Your POV)

Me and Felix were in his living room, just watching TV together. We're both relaxing, both of us with a bag of chips and a soda on the side.  Suddenly, my phone starts ringing beside me and me and Felix both look at it. I look at the caller ID and see that it's Jihyo calling me.

You: I got to take this real quick

Felix: Alright mate.

I get up from the couch, go outside the dorm and answer it.

You: Hey Jihyo. What's up?

Jihyo: Hey, can we meet up? I want to talk to you in person, it's too crazy here and I need to get out of the dorm.

You: Yeah, of course. Where should we meet up at?

Jihyo: At the Cafe, down the street.

You: Okay, I'll go there right away.

Jihyo: Alright, see you there.

I hung up the phone and went back into the dorm.

You: Hey Felix, I'm going to go to the cafe place down the road to meet my leader, you want something?

Felix: Nah, I'm good. Thanks though.

You: Okay.

I grabbed my wallet and left the dorm. I went into the elevator and went down to the first floor. The elevator door opened, and I was in the big lobby of the building. I was going to leave and go to the cafe place, but I knew that Jihyo was going to pass by the same lobby, so I took a seat at one of the chairs nearby and waited for her.

(Jihyo's POV)

I just got off the phone with Y/n. I left my room and when I opened my door, I could hear the girls yelling at each other in the living room.

Jihyo: (Sigh) You immature girls.

It's hard to make out what their saying because they are all talking over each other. I put my earbuds in so I didn't need to hear them and walked out the door. I entered in the elevator and headed down to the first floor.

(Your POV)

It's been a couple of minutes and I'm still waiting for Jihyo. Maybe she already went to the Cafe shop. I was about to get up and go but then the elevator door opened and I saw Jihyo. She immediately saw me and went up to me.

You: Hey Jihyo!

Jihyo: Y/n? You're here?

I hugged Jihyo and she hugged me back.

Jihyo: I thought you would already be at the Cafe.

You: I was gonna go there but I know you would pass by this lobby so I decided to wait for you here instead.

Jihyo: Wait, you're staying in a different dorm in here?

You: Yeah, my friend's a trainee here and he has his own dorm, so I decided to stay with him.

Jihyo: Oh

Jihyo and I broke the hug and looked at each other.

Jihyo: Well, let's go to the cafe, I'm craving for a cup of coffee right now.

You: Alrighty.

Me and Jihyo left the building and walked to the cafe shop.


We have our drinks and we're sitting at a table, facing each other. We both take a couple sips of our coffees.

You: So, what's up? What'd you want to talk about?

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