19: TMT

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(This'll be a quick chapter)

What do I do? I've been given 2 options for 1 decision and then 9 options for another. The 2 options  being if I should Stay with Twice or leave and join Stray Kids. That will take some thinking but I should have my answer soon. But the 9 options I have is either date Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung or Tzuyu! Now that will take a lot of thinking!

You: Maybe I should just choose the easy way out and kill myself...

I'm kidding, that's not an option

You: (Sigh) I need to really think about this, one at a time... Let's get the difficult one out of the way... Who should I date?

Honestly, they all have treated me well, have been very sweet to me, showered me with love and respect and they all are so beautiful, this decision is almost impossible but I have to choose one them.

Nayeon may be the oldest in the group but she acts like my age and we have so much fun when we're alone. Jeongyeon acts like my mom here and there but she's super sweet and caring, she also lets me play with her legos. Momo is a pig sometimes and we would spend a lot of our time just eating, but you know, I wouldn't mind that. Sana is super flirty and touchy and also very needy, if I choose her, then everyday she would be touching me, flirting with me, making out with me and I would totally enjoy that but it would probably be too much at times and we might do dirty stuff. Jihyo seems bossy a lot but she'll probably be the only one that would be like a normal girlfriend. Mina is a timid person and she would probably be shy doing a lot of stuff together, but we would totally enjoy each other's time and also play some awesome video games. Dahyun is way too crazy and sometimes annoying but we would do so much fun stuff everyday. Chaeyoung is small and it would feel like I'm dating a little kid, but out of everyone, she's the closest one to me and we would be so cute together. Tzuyu is super awkward but also super beautiful and maybe we could show each other a great time.

Now that I listed the pro and con of each girl, I just need to choose one. So which one would make the most happy
You: Ugh! I don't know!

It's impossible to choose! I wish this was like a story where there are multiple endings for every option I have for both decisions and I can read each of them to see what it would be like if I made a certain choice! Too bad it's totally not like that! Not like that at all! I won't get to read an ending for each option! I won't get to know how it would be like if I chose to be with Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu or an ending if I chose to stay with Twice or start a new band called Stray Kids! I will never ever see something like that, but I wish I could!

You: (Sigh) I'll just put that aside for now I guess and go back to thinking about either going back to Twice or joining Stray Kids. Because even if I stay in Twice or join Stray Kids, I can still date one of the girls, right?

Before I started to think about it, I grabbed my phone, my earbuds and my wallet and exited the building. I started walking down the sidewalk while listening to music. Going for a walk might help me make my decision.


I've been walking for 15 minutes now and I'm still thinking about my decisions. While walking, I'm about to walk pass this fast food restaurant but before I could walk pass the front doors, a worker came out of the restaurant. I took a quick look at his nametag and saw that his name was Jamie. He turned towards my direction but then after a couple steps, he fell to the ground.

You: Oh no, sir are you okay?

I started walking up to him to help him up but another worker came out of the restaurant. I looked at his nametag and his name was Lucas. He then started walking towards Jamie but he fell down too, right next to him.

You: Oh god, are you both okay? How'd you guys fall?

I was about to help both of them up, but they just stood up quickly. I notice that they're facial expressions are just blank. They both faced each other and walked forward, bumping into each other and stumbling back a bit. They then passed each other and walked opposite directions.

You: Uh, weird... They didn't even say anything...

I shook my head and just continued walking and thinking while listening to music.

(Timeskip: You're welcome jamiee3804 and Ilovedakpop)

You: (Sigh) Screw me in the butt dude...

I entered back into Felix's dorm and flipped on the couch. I wasn't able to make a decision. It's too difficult, I want to go back to Twice since they're so fun to around and I could continue to make great memories with them, but I also want to be in a new group where we could be self-serving and I can show my fans, JYP and every group in this building how talented I really am, I could also have so much fun with Felix, Chanbin, Han and the other members since I have a great time with mostly guys.

I also went back to thinking which of the girls I should date, but it's seriously a more difficult decision than the other one.

You: You know what, I'm going to make a decision right now...

I take my phone out and put a 1 minute timer on it. I have minute to choose which one of the girls I want to date and also if I should stay with Twice or join Stray Kids. I know, it's not a smart thing to do but I seriously need to get this out of my mind right now. I started the timer and thought about my options for one last time.
(Tell me, what decision would you make in this and why?)
(Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep!)

The timer went off and I turned it off. I thought about it super duper hard for that one minute and I have my decision.

You: Okay, first off, Twice or Stray Kids... I choose....

The Male Member Of Twice: Twice x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now