18: Apologies

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(Another rushed chapter, I'm sorry. But this is probably the longest chapter in this story, so yeah... Enjoy!)

(The Next Day)

You: (Sigh)

Right now, I'm lying down on Felix's couch, staring at the ceiling and thinking about my decision I have made. I guess this is it. I guess I'm leaving Twice and joining a new group. Is this the best for me? Should I really leave Twice and be in Stray Kids?

Everyone in Twice are my best friends, I've made great memories with all of them and I want to continue to make great memories with them. But they've gone wild and I'm too scared to go to the dorm or even be face to face with them. And I would fit in so well with Stray Kids. I'm a boy, so I should be in a boy group and not in a girl group right?Me, Han and Changbin could make so much great music, we would be one of the best Kpop boy groups out there. And our choreography would be awesome too.

But even though being in Stray Kids with Felix, Han and Changbin and possibly other talented members would be awesome, I'm still debating if I should officially leave Twice or go back to them once they calm down. JYP should've calmed them down right? So I should be good to go back? But what if they just put on fake masks and calmed down in front of JYP when in the real world they're still at their dorm, arguing, yelling and fighting?!

You: Ah! I don't know!

Well, I have three months to think about this. Go back and join Twice? Or start anew and join Stray Kids?

(Jihyo's POV)

The girls and I are all in the living room, sitting together on the couch. We've all made up, we all apologized to each other, we all are finally calmed down, but there's still one person we need to apologize to.

Jihyo: Alright... Should I call Y/n now?

Nayeon: Yeah, let's do it.

Jihyo: Okay...

I took out my phone from my pocket and was about to dial his number, but Sana stopped me by yelling.

Sana: Wait!!! Can I admit something?!

We all looked at her in confusion.

Jihyo: Of course, what's up Sana?

Sana: Um... Well...

Sana started fiddling with her fingers and looked down at her hands.

Sana: I know we all just made up, but I need to get something off of my chest. Will you all please not get mad at me when I say this?

She looks at all of us to see if we all agree to not get mad. Some of us answered her with "Yes" and "Yeah" while others just nodded their heads.

Sana: Okay, good... When we started our break, I planned to hang out with Y/n for a whole week, you all know that... What you girls don't know is that I also planned on becoming a couple with him... I wanted us to become boyfriend and girlfriend! I'm sorry! I knew you girls liked him but I wanted to keep him for myself! Please forgive me!

She bowed at all of us but little did she know that we all had the same plan.

Chaeyoung: To be honest, I actually wanted to be his girlfriend too.

Dahyun: Me too, I thought we would make a great couple.

Momo: Same with me, I wanted to eat him up~

Tzuyu: Me as well.

Sana: Huh?! Really?!

Jihyo: Yeah, I'm pretty sure all of us wanted to his girlfriend.

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