12: Levanter

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You: Mmm...

I woke up from my sleep in Felix's living room on his couch. His dorm isn't as big as Twice's dorm because he lives alone but that's fine. I stretch and then sit up. Just when I did, Felix entered in the living room.

Felix: Mornin' mate.

You: Morning Felix

I stand up and go to my backpack. I grab an outfit to wear today, my toothbrush and my toothpaste.

You: Shucks, forgot my Body Wash at the dorm.

Felix: No worries mate, you can use mine. I have enough Body Wash and also Shampoo and Conditioner for the both of us.

You: Thanks Felix, where's your bathroom? I'm gonna get ready for today.

Felix: Just down that hall.

Felix pointed to where the bathroom was.

You: Thanks.

After folding my blanket, I walked in his bathroom and started doing my morning routine.


I exit the bathroom after doing my routine. I'm all freshened up and ready for the day. I go into his kitchen to see him leaning on the counter, doing something on his phone. He hears me walk in and looks at me. We both smile at each other and he stands up straight.

Felix: It feels nice that you're staying in my dorm, I feel lonely sometimes.

You: Well, I needed to get away from the girls. They're really crazy and annoying right now.

Felix: Ah, I see. Just needed a break from them.

You: Yeah.

Felix: Anyways, you hungry? Want some tucker?

You: Yeah I would love some food.

Felix: Tucker.

You: Food.

Felix: Haha, I'm surprised you know Aussie slangs.

You: It's because we've know each other ever since we were  Freshman in high school, I got to learn your slangs and now I understand what you're saying.

Felix: Well that's good. Now I can be myself and say my slangs.

You: Still though, what should we have for breakfast?

Felix: Breakfast?

You: Oh, excuse me. What should we have for brekkie?

Felix: There we go mate!

We both started laughing and did that high five, fist pump thing.

Felix: Ah, I don't know. Want a Shrimp on the Barbie?

You: Barbeque Shrimp for breakfast? Shouldn't we have that for dinner or something?

Felix: Yeah, that's true. I'm craving for it though so we should have it in the arvo.

You: Okay, how about we head out and eat breakfast at a restaurant.

Felix: Sounds good to me, let's go now?

You: Yeah.

Me and Felix went to his door and we started putting our shoes on. I already put my shoes on but Felix was still tying his shoes. I watched as he tied a knot and then another knot.

You: Oh Felix. Tying a Double Knot.

Felix: Yup, I tighten my laces with a Double Knot. My laces untie themselves a lot if I just tie one knot, so I double knot it.

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