06: Mina

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(Mina's POV)

Today is my day with Y/n. I'm excited to spend time with him. I already know what we should do today. Since me and him both love playing games, I decided that we should go to an arcade. The closest one is the one downtown. It's a good one too, it has many great games. I know Y/n will love it.

I'll go ask him if he wants to go right now. We all ate breakfast so I'm sure he's energized to go out.

(Your POV)

I just finished a beat to a new song I'm in the process of making. Now I just got to think of lyrics for it. As I'm thinking, I hear a couple knocks from my door.

You: Come in!

My door opened and I turned my head towards it. It was Mina.

You: Hey, what's up?

Mina: Hi, I was wondering if you wanted to head out and do something.

You: (Chuckles) I've been heading out a lot Mina, but sure, what are we doing?

Mina: I was thinking you and me could go to the arcade that's located downtown.

You: An arcade?! I'm so down to go.

Mina: (Giggles) Really?

You: Yeah, totally. What time are we going?

Mina: How about right now?

You: Sure, let me grab my stuff and we can head out.

Mina: Okay! I'll wait for you in the living room!

Mina exited my room and I turned off my computer, grabbed my phone and my wallet and sprayed on some cologne. I went in the living room and me and Mina left the building and went to the train station.


Me and Mina arrived at the arcade. We went inside and walked up to the front desk so we could buy a Game Card for each of us.

You: I'll pay for both of us Mina.

Mina: What, no, I can pay for us both.

You: It's fine, I got it.

Mina: I can't let you pay Y/n, you're sweet to me a lot, I should pay for it.

You: Well, you take care of me a lot, I should pay for it.

Mina: How about we just pay or own?

You: How about you let me pay for both of us.

Mina: (Giggles) Okay fine, go ahead.

You: Yes!

I feel happy that I can pay for stuff for my Noonas. They all take care of me, so I try my best to owe them back, like buy them stuff or do something nice for them as appreciation. I payed for both of us, putting 200 credits in each card. We both got our cards and started walking around.

Mina: So, what are you going to play first?

You: I don't know, there's so many to choose from. Where are you going to first?

Mina: Well, first let's hype ourselves up a bit. How about me and you play one of those motorcycle racing games? We'll play against each other and we should even bet on it.

You: Yeah, let's do that.

Me and Mina searched for one of the racing games. When we found a good one, we both got on our own motorcycles and swiped our Game Card.

You: So, what's the bet?

Mina: Hmm... If I cross the finish line before you do, you buy lunch and if you cross the finish line before I do, I buy lunch. Deal?

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