Ending 1 - Twice

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(Your POV)

So, after spending a day with each of my members/girlfriends for the past 9 days, I thought today would be a day for me. A day where I can chill, relax, maybe make a song, just have a good time with me. But, I was wrong. Today, I spent all day with all the girls and I'm really sleepy. Here's a summary of what happened today,

At 4:00am, Nayeon woke me up and said she wanted to go to the store and get snacks. Now, I thought it was stupid to wake me up at 4:00am in the morning to go get snacks at a store, but Nayeon wouldn't let me go back to sleep so my day started with that. She said she wanted to go now because she woke up and was craving for chips and also couldn't go back to sleep. The chips that were in the pantry were all finished, thanks to Momo and Nayeon really wanted chips right now. I don't really know why Momo was eating the chips in the pantry, because I know for sure she has a lot of her own chips in her room. We bought a lot from the store when we went together with the group. So, Nayeon woke me up so I could go with her and give her some company.

After going to the store (The one close by was open 24/7), me and Nayeon went back home and watched TV together while she shared the snacks she got at the store. Around 6:00am, she went back into her room with her snacks because she wanted me to go back to sleep. I was going to go back to sleep but I didn't get the chance to go to my room because Jeongyeon was up and wanted me to help her clean the living room and the kitchen. I wanted to say no but I decided to help her out, because I'm a good boyfriend. We cleaned the entire living room and the entire kitchen. Usually I'm slow at cleaning but with Jeongyeon's help, we cleaned pretty fast. She really likes to clean and also likes to clean early in the morning too.

But after we cleaned, we hung out in the living room together and then at 8:00am, Jihyo and Nayeon went into the kitchen and started preparing breakfast, and Jeongyeon left me on the couch to go help them out. I was going to go ahead and sleep on the couch, but Momo entered in the living room and sat next to me. She started watching TV with me and also talking to me, and I stayed awake for her. She brought in one of her small bags of chips we bought at the store and ate them while we waited for breakfast. She fed me a chip every now and then but then finished it all. Once breakfast was done, Momo and I went into the kitchen and sat with everyone. Momo fed me her food too, even though we had the same thing on our plates.

After breakfast, I went back into my room and lied down on my bed. I checked the time and it was 10:00am. I plan on going back to sleep and waking up around 2:00pm, but Sana busted in my room and went on my bed. She sat on top of me and saw I was going to sleep, so she continuously shook me so I wouldn't. She wanted to play with me for a bit and wanted to make out. And so, we made out, thinking that it will only be for maybe 2 minutes. But, even though she said she wanted to play for a bit, we made out for 2 hours. My mouth was aching and I paused a bit for a break to rest and catch my breath, but Sana didn't let me rest for too long. During one of our breaks, Sana said something that made me red as a red delicious apple.

Sana: Hey Y/n?

You: Yeah?

Sana: Will you help me with something?

You: With what?

Sana: I need to get something off of my chest.

You: What is it?

Sana: (Giggles)

Sana then took her shirt off and pointed at her chest.

Sana: My bra~

You: What?! What do you mean? And put your shirt back on!

Sana: I need to get this off of my chest, will you take it off for me?

The Male Member Of Twice: Twice x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now