26: Breakfast

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Last night, Jihyo told me she was going to sleep in my room. She didn't ask if she could, but she just said she was going to. Either way, if she asked or not, I would be fine with it. But once we got into bed and cuddled, Jihyo was getting a bit bossy.

She didn't like how I was holding her, so she told me to reposition myself and hold her the way she likes to be held. But even though I kept fixing myself, she still didn't like the way I held her. She basically grabbed my hands and moved them to where she wanted to be held, which was a bit annoying. But what was more annoying, is that she placed my arms back in the same position they were holding her in the first place!

Hold on, it gets worst. She kept telling me to stop moving around, to stop breathing too loud, to stop yawning and to stop repositioning my arms when I felt uncomfortable. She also woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me to stop snoring. That's when I told her to shut up and stop complaining, and she did. I then did the things she told me not to do and also positioned myself to where I was comfortable and she didn't complain.

But now, it's the next day once again. So far, my days with the girls have been awesome. Me being their boyfriends is pretty cool if you ask me. I just wonder what JYP and Once's will think about me dating all 9 of these girls. I don't think we will tell them about this, it's probably best if we keep it a secret.

Anyways, I'm sleeping but I ain't dreaming. It's one of those nights where you sleep but you don't dream about anything, your mind is just blank. So, there's nothing special going on in my mind. Just emptiness.

Well, as I was sleeping and dreaming of nothing. I felt someone shaking me, saying my name and telling me to wake up.

???: Hey~

You: (Snores)

???: Wakey wakey Y/n.

You: Mmm...

???: Open your eyes, c'mon~

I opened my eyes a little and saw a very beautiful face waking me up. Jihyo. She shook me some more but much more harder.

Jihyo: Y/n? Are you awake yet?

You: Yeah... I'm awake...

I yawned, stretched and rubbed my eyes. I sat up and looked at Jihyo, it seems like she's all dressed to go out somewhere. She looks and smells fresh. I looked back up at her face and when I did, she smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the lips.

Jihyo: Good morning babe~

You: Mmm... Morning Jihyo... You've freshened up...

Jihyo: Hihi, I know~ You should go ahead and freshen up too.

You: What for...

Jihyo: I want to go get some coffee with you at the Cafe place across the street. Wouldn't you like to go?

You: Uh... Yeah sure...

Jihyo: (Giggles) Well come on, get ready.

You: (Yawn) Okay...

I stretch one more time and then get up from my bed. I go to my drawer, grab my clothes and enter into the bathroom to start my morning routine.


After I freshened up, I left the bathroom and outside was Jihyo, doing stuff on her phone. When I came out, she looked at me and smiled. I think she was waiting for me to finish up. She puts her phone in her pocket, went up to me and gave me a kiss.

Jihyo: You ready to go?

You: Yeah, let me just get my wallet and my phone. They're in my room.

Jihyo: Oh, you don't need to worry about those!

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