07: Dahyun

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(Dahyun looks so cute in the photo above)

(Your POV)

You: Finished!

I just finished making the new song I've been working on. After recording myself singing it, I put the audio in my audio file. The song I just made is called YAYAYA. It's called YAYAYA because, y'know, ya. You know why ya? Ya, you know.

Anyways, I finished the song and I'm ready to make another one. But before I do, I'm gonna head out the building real quick and think. It's midnight, but that's perfect. Sitting outside with the wind blowing makes me feel like I'm floating and I'm free. It gives me a relaxing feeling and I think better.

I leave my desk, leave my room, leave the dorm and leave the building. I didn't grab a jacket, since I really want to feel the wind blow on my skin. I sit down on one of the benches that was outside, in front of grass and closed my eyes. I feel and hear the wind blow. It's comforting. It isn't cold, the wind feels perfect. I'm just thinking about what kind of song I'm gonna make next, what beat should it have, what kind of lyrics should I put in it.

While thinking, I can feel something wet drop on my head.

You: Hmm?

I open my eyes and look up. There's was nothing. I put my head down again and close my eyes but again, something wet drops on my head.

You: Oh, don't tell me...

More start to drop on my head and then I heard many water drops hit the ground. It's raining.

You: (Sigh)

That's disappointing, I just got out here. I debate if I should go inside or not but, it's not raining too hard. I can deal with this. I close my eyes again and think while I feel little raindrops hit me.


You: Ugh... (Cough) (Cough)

I wake up and I don't feel great. I don't have the energy to get. I want to move but I just can't, my body is way too weak.

You: dammit... I think I'm sick...

I should've gone inside when it started to rain. I remember leaving the dorm around 12:00am and then coming back I think around 1:15am. I was so deep in my thoughts that I was out the for more than an hour.

You: (Sigh) my noonas are gonna disappointed at me...

(Dahyun's POV)

Yay! Today is my day with Y/n! I'm so excited, we're gonna do some fun stuff when we head out! I can't wait! I'm in my room, getting dressed for my date with him. After I dressed up, I left my room and knocked on his door. I put my ear close to his door so I can hear him.

You: come in...

His voice sounds deeper than usual, it's kind of hot. I open the door and enter inside. I see that he's in bed.

Dahyun: Good morning! Did you just wake up?

You: yeah... (Cough) (Cough)

He doesn't look too good. I close the door and go up to him.

Dahyun: Are you okay?

He shakes his head.

Dahyun: What's wrong?

He breathes in deeply and exhales.

You: Dahyun...

Dahyun: Yeah?

You: I think I'm sick...

Dahyun: Y-you're sick?!

You: yeah...

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