03: Momo

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(Your POV)

I'm at a coffee shop right now, just sipping on some good coffee with a sandwich next to me. I'm working on making a beat for a new song, so I have my computer with me and my headphones on. I work better when I'm in a coffee shop, it just feels like the perfect environment to do work.

As I'm making a beat, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look over it and see that it's one of my friends, Felix. He had a cup of coffee in his hands.

 He had a cup of coffee in his hands

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You: Oh hey Felix!

Felix: Hey Y/n!

You: How have you been?

Felix: I've been great, how about you?

You: I'm doing great as well. I haven't seen you since we graduated, sit with me!

Felix: Alright mate!

Felix took the seat in front of me and I took off my headphones and closed my computer a little so I can see his face better.

Felix: It's been a while, I heard you're a Kpop artist now right?

You: Yeah, I am.

Felix: That's awesome. I'm a trainee at JYP Entertainment.

You: Oh wait really?

Felix: Yeah but JYP said that I'll be joining a band pretty soon, probably in 3 months.

You: Oh wow, you excited?

Felix: Yeah, I'm very excited. I can hardly wait.

You: Time will go by fast, trust me. Did you know I'm also in JYPE?

Felix: Yeah, I see you a lot on social media. You're in Twice right?

You: Yeah, I am. The girls wanted me to join them so I did.

Felix: Ha, you must be lucky getting to be around a lot of girls, right?

You: Eh, I guess. I lowkey want to be in a boy group though.

Felix: You can, just quit Twice and ask JYP if you could be with me.

You: Nah, even though I want to, I still like being in Twice. They're fun and they take care of me.

Felix: Well that's nice.

You: Yeah.

Felix: If we were in a Kpop group together, what would our band name be?

You: Hmm, I don't know. I want a good name like Blackout or Positive

Felix: A name like Advantage would be cool

You: Or maybe.... Gosh, I don't know, it's kind of hard to think of a name...

Felix: Stray Animals. Stray because in school, sometimes me and you would skip classes and do something and not be in the right place and Animals because me and you were always crazy like animals.

The Male Member Of Twice: Twice x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now