04: Sana

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I'm up late again, still working on the new song. I'm really tired, the food I ate at the restaurant with Momo is making me sleepy (Food Coma), but I still want to work on the song. I decided to call it Young Wings. I wanted to make the song about me, being young, still growing up and spreading my wings, and I was going to name it Spread My Wings, but I thought Young Wings sounded better.

Writing music just fills me with happiness. I always wanted to be a self-producing artist, making my own songs, making the choreography. I just want my own work to be put out to the world and I want to show people how talented I am with music, you know what I mean?

As I'm working on the lyrics, I hear a knock on my door. I look at my clock first. It's 12:00am, who could be up at this time? Only I would be up usually.

You: Come in

After saying that, my door opened and I saw Sana come inside my room and closed the door.

You: Hey, what's up?

Sana: Oh nothing, I'm gonna sleep in here for tonight.

You: You are? Why, what's wrong sleeping in your room?

Sana: Nothing, I just feel like sleeping in here.

You: But where are you going to sleep? On the floor?

Sana: On your bed of course, silly goose.

She lied down on my bed, covered herself up with the blanket.

You: Wait, then where will I sleep?

Sana: On your bed of course, silly goose.

You: But you're occupying it.

Sana: So? We can sleep together right? I'll just make room for you.

Sana scooted over and left me some room on the outside of the bed.

You: Sana I don't think-

Sana: Come, sleep.

She patted the bed beside her, insisting that I sleep next to her.

You: But, I'm not tired.

I lied to her so I could focus on the song and try to finish a good portion of it. But Sana knew I was lying

Sana: Y/n, yes you are, I can tell. You're eyes can barely stay open. You really should sleep, you stay up all night doing whatever you're doing. Soon, you'll be awake at night and then wasting the day by sleeping. You'll ruin your sleeping schedule.

You: (Sigh)

She's right. If I keep on staying up late and sleeping during the day, I won't be able to spend time with the girls since I'll just be sleeping.

You: Yeah... You're right... But-

Sana: Come on~ Sleep with me~

Sana patted the bed again and looked at me with puppy eyes. I smiled, she's so cute.

You: Yes ma'am

Sana: (Giggles) Good boy!

I turned off my computer and turned the lights off and lied down on my bed. I put the blanket over us and tried to make as much space as possible so me and Sana don't touch each other. The blanket can barely cover us both.

You: Sorry that the blanket is barely big enough for the both of us.

Sana: Hmm...I have an idea.

She scooted closer to me, rested her head on my chest and hugged me. I kind of jumped for a second.

You: S-Sana?

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