22: Movies

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Last night, after all the girls showered me with kisses and stuff, I fell asleep due to how comfortable I was and how soothing those kisses were. I skipped dinner because I was sleepy but when I woke up, I just got up, changed into my sleeping clothes and went back to bed.

We have two more weeks until our break is over. And then we go back to doing work. I wonder how I'm going to spend the rest of these days with the girls? I'll just have to find out myself in these next upcoming days.

But anyways, it's the next day and I wake up to the sound of an alarm clock going off. I groan and stretch and wonder why an alarm clock is going off. It isn't my alarm clock, that's for sure. It sounds different from mine.

You: (Exhale) What the...

I open my eyes and I feel someone is in bed with me. They groan and stretch just like I did when I woke up to the alarm. After they rest, they turn their alarm off and before they shut it off, I got a glance of their face since their light from their phone shined a little bit on them.

You: Nayeon?

Nayeon: That's me... Good morning...

She kisses my cheek and hugs me. I hug her back and we snuggle together closely.

You: When did you get here?

Nayeon: Last night when you were asleep... Me and the girls each decided to spend a night with you for the last couple weeks of our break... Are you fine with that?

You: Yeah, totally...

Nayeon: Great... Glad to hear that...

Nayeon let's go of me and sits up. I do the same and we both look at each other.

You: What time is it?

Nayeon: It's 7:00am.

You: 7:00am?! (Groans)

I quickly lied back down, practically hitting my head against my pillow and cover myself with my blanket.

You: Why'd you set an alarm that early?

Nayeon: Because! There's a movie the girls and I want to see at 12:00pm! And as a good boyfriend, you will go with us!

You: Mmm... What movie?

Nayeon: (Comedy Movie) It's a funny movie! I saw the trailer and it got me laughing.

You: Why at 12:00pm? Why not later on tonight?

Nayeon: I don't know! Just go with us please!

Nayeon grabbed my arm and started shaking me.

You: Of course I'm gonna go with you girls...

Nayeon: Really?!

You: Yeah, what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't? I want to spend time with you girls.

Nayeon: Aww~ You're so sweet~

Nayeon hugged me while pinching my cheek. She planted a few more kisses on my cheek before I sat back up and stretched one more time.

You: (Groans) Okay... Let me freshen up...

Nayeon: Okay! I'll wait in here for you!

You: Alright...

I got out of bed while Nayeon lied back down. She grabbed her phone and started doing whatever on it as I went to Imy drawer and grabbed the clothes I felt like wearing today. I then exited my room with my clothes in hand and went inside the bathroom after I grabbed a towel. I started doing my morning routine.

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