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"Isaac, why exactly am I here this late?" Blair asked once she sat down on the couch with her bowl of popcorn sitting on her lap. It was nearly eleven o'clock at night and Blair had been here the entire night without Isaac explaining the reason why she was here or even why the house was completely empty in the first place.
He had called her earlier since Melissa was at work and Scott was talking to Gerard, and since he didn't like to be alone during storms he had called his best friend to keep him company. However, all he told Blair was that he wanted to have a movie marathon and to come over asap which she decided not to question until now.
"After losing Boyd and Erica, I wanted to make sure you were safe. And since Scott is talking to Gerard and Stiles is talking to Peter, I-" Isaac explaining one of the reasons why she was here, they were the last part of his original pack that was in danger and he wanted to try his hardest to protect Blair before she ended up exactly like Boyd and Erica.
Ever since Boyd had died, the two had become more scared than ever about the severity of the situation, especially Isaac. Any time a pack member died, it took a piece of the pack's spirit away. With both Boyd and Erica gone, it felt as if the two had lost a large part of themselves.
Isaac didn't want his best friend to die anytime soon and he knew that both of them were considered targets of the Alpha Pack's vendetta - especially since Derek had managed to kill Ennis.
"Why the hell are those idiots talking to them?" Blair asked, crossing her arms in disgust at the mention of the two older men that both Scott and Derek's pack loathed with a passion considering everything they had managed to do to them in the past year.
"They wanted answers about Derek and Deucalion. Stiles is finding out about what happened to Derek to change his eye color and Scott's finding out what happened the last time Deucalion was here. Y'know, how he went blind and stuff." Isaac shrugged his shoulders as he explained, Blair crossing her eyebrows in confusion before letting out a sigh as she paused the movie the two were watching before turning to Isaac.
"Call those dumbasses, now," Blair demanded, getting up from the couch to get herself something to drink as she realized she would have to actually tell the three boys one of her biggest secrets if they wanted real answers about what had happened that night.
"Because I promise you I am much reliable source than both those men who by the way literally make Satan look like an angel. I was there when it happened, Isaac. I can help you guys." Blair explained to Isaac, his eyes widening in shock before nodding his head and texting Scott and Stiles to tell them to come back to Scott's house immediately - not disclosing any details about what Blair knew or said since he knew if he was vague it would cause them to rush back more.