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Blair and Scott had argued over whose motorcycle they should take to school which ended in both of them taking their motorcycles to school as they drove beside each other. Soon enough, two motorcycles surrounded them on each side causing both Scott and Blair to speed up as the twins followed after them.
The two finally sped into the parking lot of the high school as the twins soon followed them and parked into the spots beside Scott and Blair. Blair and Scott taking off their helmets as they waited for the twins to follow suit so that they could figure out why they were following the two of them. Blair figured it was just them trying to get another opportunity to try and get on Scott's good side so that they could join the pack.
"You guys going to be doing this all day?" Scott asked, turning to each of the twins, knowing if he was going to be able to shake the two of them while the day went on since both of them were werewolves and would easily be able to track him down if he tried to leave.
"All day," Aiden stated, smirking at the both of them as the twins planned on staying by the two's side every part of the day in order to protect them from whatever the hell had been Derek's loft last night.
"All night." Ethan finished, Blair biting her cheek to stop her from saying something that could possibly offend the twins considering her and Isaac had a made a deal to try and be civil to them for Scott's sake. Blair eventually gave up on her short try to be nice once she noticed Aiden smirking at her.
"What if I knock you out and then it only lasts two minutes?" Blair turned to Aiden who stared at her in the offense, Blair raising her eyebrow at him as she waited for him to argue with her. Scott smiling in amusement at Blair's threat since he believed she could take down Aiden if she wanted to.
"Why just me?" Aiden gestured to Ethan who held his hands up innocently not wanting Aiden to drag him down with him since he was actually content with being on Blair's good side since it meant getting closer to Scott liking them too.
"I actually like Ethan, you on the other hand - I have difficulties liking or even being in the same vicinity as," Blair answered, pointing her finger in Ethan's direction who only beamed in response at being the only twin Blair liked - seeing it as a piece of the progress of getting into the pack. However, Aiden didn't see it that way and only grew aggravated by her answer while Blair's smirk only grew more when she noticed she had obviously frustrated him more.
"Is this about being in my pack?" Scott asked, knowing that the two twins had made it abundantly clear that they wanted to be in the McCall pack and were trying desperately hard to get in which hadn't been exactly working in their favor since they still hadn't gotten any closer to being accepted.
"This is about you and your girlfriend being the target of demonic ninjas." Ethan corrected, knowing that they had to protect both Scott and Blair if they wanted to prove their loyalty to Scott. Blair, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison might not be werewolves but they were just as much a part of the McCall pack as Isaac and Derek are and they needed everyone to trust them if they were to get in.