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     "What the hell is happening to her?" Scott asked once Deaton helped him clean up from his wounds from the Oni

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     "What the hell is happening to her?" Scott asked once Deaton helped him clean up from his wounds from the Oni. Blair and Stiles were currently laid out on the metal tables, Deaton inserting a poison into both of them that still had them both knocked out.

"The Valkyrie is in control of her mind," Deaton admitted, Scott sitting in the chair beside both of them - not caring that his clothes were still drenched and sticking to him as he waited for Blair and Stiles to wake up.

"I thought she was the Valkyrie," Scott asked Deaton, growing confused about what was going on with Blair - seeming to have fewer and fewer answers whenever he seemed to be closer to figuring out what was going on with Blair.

Deaton took out a photograph of two girls standing side by side - in complete black and white before handing it to Scott. Deaton being able to find the picture when he was looking for leads about the Valkyrie since he had already began to see the signs of the Valkyrie taking over Blair.

"One of them is a relative of Kira's and the other is a former host of the Valkyrie." Scott stared at the picture in his hands, the two girls in it having an uncanny resemblance to both Kira and Blair - bringing an unease to Scott since he didn't  know what it was supposed to mean for his pack.

"Look at the names on the back," Deaton explained, Scott's eyes widening as he spotted Yukimura and Stilinski scribbled on it.

"She's a distant relative of Stiles, it makes sense why Blair is always protective of him. It's a gut instinct from the Valkyrie's old host." Deaton explained, Scott still not understanding what it meant as he passed the picture back to Deaton once he was done looking at it. Still, not able to hide the shock from what was happening to Blair.

"She looks exactly like Blair," Scott commented on the eerie similarity between the two, his hand moving to hold Blair's limp one in his as Deaton nodded.

"The Valkyrie's original body looked exactly like Blair as well. The Valkyrie likes to have the same face and body, it helps with the readjustment phase while trying to rebuild her powers." Deaton explained to him, moving to both Stiles and Blair as he checked to make sure both of them were still healthy.

"So, what's the difference between the
Valkyrie and the Nogitsune?" Scott asked, staring up at Deaton as he waited for an answer since he was absolutely clueless when it came to either of them.

"The Nogitsune had to get inside Stiles's head, the Valkyrie has always been there. There's only one way the Valkyrie usually disappears once she begins to take control." Deaton trailed off, Scott noticing that Deaton didn't look too happy when he started speaking.

"What is it?" Scott asked as he noticed Deaton's hesitancy when he spoke - holding Blair's hand tighter as he waited for whatever Deaton was going to say.

"The host's body slowly dies. I'm guessing you've already noticed the signs." Deaton answered, Scott nodding his head since he had noticed Blair getting sick over the past couple weeks - always believing Blair when she lied about her sickness and that she was going to get better.

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