It was currently midnight and Blair was at a deserted pharmacy at the end of town searching for some Advil. Blair grabbed five bottles, as she smacked it down on the counter earning herself a judgemental stare from the teenage boy working at the cash register - considering he knew this was the sixth time she had come in this week to buy numerous bottles of painkillers which was beginning to be a cause of concern even if he didn't know her personally. Blair noticing the name-tag saying Mason on it, recognizing him from the hallways of the Beacon Hills High School except she had never had a conversation with him - guessing that he was probably in one of the grades lower than her since they had never shared a class together."Lady problems?" The boy asked, causing Blair to grit her teeth in annoyance - not likely when strangers got involved in her business especially when they tried to make assumptions about her.
"How about none of your business?" Blair muttered, leaving her cash on the counter before grabbing the aspirin and the plastic bag off the counter before going to Stiles's jeep that she had managed to steal without him noticing.
"Definitely lady problems," Mason whispered to himself as he put the cash in the register, shaking his head slightly as he considered quitting his job for another time that night.
Blair had borrowed Roscoe for the night, Sheriff Stilinski telling Blair she could use it whenever Stiles was sleeping since he wasn't awake to oppose. Two nights ago, Blair had accidentally crashed her motorcycle due to one of her headaches that occurred while she was driving.
Sheriff Stilinski had brought her to the hospital while Melissa gave Blair stitches to her arm, which was thankfully the only part of her that had gotten injured when she crashed. The two adults had promised not to tell either Scott or Stiles since the two of them tended to worry more about the pack than some of the adults did. Blair hadn't been able to heal properly since the incident at the distillery which was another thing she had added to her list of stuff that she hadn't admitted to her boyfriend yet. The list was starting to grow but Blair knew that she had to give Scott more to heal from the sacrifice before she burdened him with her problems.
Blair's head had been pounding for hours on end, not being able to describe the sensation to anyone considering the one person she was describing her powers to had nightmares every single night that led to panic attacks. Blair stared in the rearview mirror, the black mist coming into the sight as Blair tried to keep her breathing steady.
Blair started to sweat profusely as her heartbeat increased, hitting the gas as she sped home to the Stilinski household. She ran into the house to see the Sheriff in the living room who looked up once he heard the door slam shut.
"Headache?" Sheriff asked knowing Blair had seemed to have some sort of chronic headaches that caused her to leave his house without any notice searching for medicine. He hadn't questioned it much considering most times, Blair tended to grab him groceries while she was out as well - deciding she should at least try and help Sheriff Stilinski a little bit considering how much he had done for her by letting her stay in his house with barely any complaints.
adore you (scott mccall)¹
Fanfictionin which scott slowly finds love again after allison argent (season 2-3) (started: april 3, 2020) (book one in the blair series) (editing)