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"Stiles, Stiles. Where are you going?" Blair left her room to follow after Stiles after hearing him leave his bed in the middle of the night. Stiles didn't answer her as Blair kept following him, now worried if he was sleepwalking or the possible chance that he didn't hear her considering her voice was still quiet from just waking up. Blair had been sleeping more lately, but most of the time when she woke up she was feeling more sick than usual.
"Stiles," Blair called out louder this time, Stiles finally stopping once Blair approached him - Stiles turning in his spot as Blair got closer to him, trying to hide his smirk at Blair finally joining him. The Nogitsune currently controlling him only wanting the Valkyrie inside of Blair to come out knowing that she would agree to help cause some chaos in the town of Beacon Hills with him.
"Buzzcut, you okay?" Blair asked, holding her hand out to grab Stiles's shoulder, wanting to shake him out of whatever was happening when Stiles suddenly grabbed her arm - tightening his grip on Blair's arm which pissed her off since she was only trying to help him, deciding to give Stiles a few seconds before she yelled at him.
"Okay, buzzcut I'm going to need you to let go of me before I have to explain to Scott why I had to kick his best friend's ass," Blair warned him, only causing Stiles to smirk as he twisted Blair's arm in his grip - forcing Blair's eyes to turn black as she kneeled on the ground in pain, the Valkyrie finally taking over Blair's mind as the Nogitsune was able to sense that Blair was no longer in control of her own mind as his smirk grew in response.
"There we go Valkyrie. Now, I need you to help me cause a little bit of chaos. Can you do that?" Blair stood up from the floor, snapping her arm back into place that the Nogitsune had managed to twist while her eyes remained completely black and her veins began darkening as she stared at the Nogitsune in front of her as she began nodding her head yes slowly in response.
The Valkyrie's loyalty to the Nogitsune would always be one that took over Blair's mind, leading the Valkyrie to have full control of her body while Blair remained trapped inside her own mind. While Blair was convinced she was now sleeping, the Valkyrie had full control of her body - letting her cause as much mayhem as the Nogitsune wanted her to.
"Great. Now, go take a knife in the kitchen and stab yourself. Make sure it's one that can heal - I just want to make everyone a little on edge tonight." The Nogitsune ordered, the Valkyrie turning and grabbing one of the kitchen knives from the drawer as she walked back up to Blair's room as the Nogitsune slipped out of the Stilinski household. The Valkyrie laid down on Blair's bed, lying still before sliding the knife into her stomach as she closed her eyes shut - knowing that Blair would have to deal with the repercussions of this once she woke up.
"Blair still hasn't answered her phone," Isaac complained to Scott as he got off his bike as the two entered the Stilinski household. Isaac was trying to get Blair to answer her phone so that she could check Stiles's room rather than them driving all the way here but she still hadn't picked her phone up. The two going into Stiles's room to see Lydia and Aiden already standing there. While Scott was concerned about Stiles and his best friend's whereabouts, Isaac's main focus was on Blair since he knew she was a sensitive sleeper and even the slightest noises would wake up which was why he found it weird she still hadn't checked her phone.