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Blair held tightly onto Scott's back as he drove his motorcycle to the high school. Blair left her helmet beside Scott's as the two jogged to meet Stiles, Allison, and Lydia at the entrance. Lydia had called Stiles when the three where at Stiles's house to alert him that she needed the group to meet her at the High School, immediately. Lydia barely give any information besides that, causing them to rush out further since they thought she was in trouble.
"It's the same thing. Same thing as the pool. I got into the car heading somewhere totally different and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there's a dead body." Lydia explained to Stiles as she crossed her arms against her chest, not liking the experience of having to find another dead body as she decided it was best to call her friends before she had to find one by herself.
"You found a dead body?" Stiles asked, his eyes widening in interest as they might have found another sacrifice by the Darach.
"Not yet," Lydia answered, beginning to sound frustrated with Stiles's questions of her since she didn't want to be the first one to find the dead body. Lydia thinking that Stiles would actually be able to do something to help such as calling his dad.
"Not yet? What do you mean 'not yet'? You're supposed to call us after you find the dead body." Stiles yelled at Lydia as she held her hand up in protest. Blair rolling her eyes when she realised the two were just going to stand here arguing with each other while the other three listened.
"No, I'm not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on." Lydia told Stiles, not wanting to through the trauma again. The effects of constantly having to find the dead bodies in the town starting to weigh heavily on her conscience.
"How are we supposed to find the dead body? You're always the one finding the dead body." Stiles asked Lydia considering he had no idea how Lydia even managed to find the dead bodies and he didn't have any clue on where to even start on locating dead bodies.
"Look for it, Stiles. You look for the dead body, that's how you find it." Blair explained to Stiles as she pinched the bridge of her nose. Lydia holding up her hand and having a smug smile as Blair agreed with her and not Stiles. Blair knowing that if she took Lydia's side that Stiles would eventually agree since Blair knew of his major crush on the girl.
"Guys. I found the dead body." Scott broke up their bickering, the group turning to Scott as they noticed the dead police officer lying on the Beacon Hills High School sign. Her head was laid over the edge while her blood began to drip down the sides of the sign. The officer's eyes were wide open as the stared at something ahead of her.
"Oh my god, that's Tara." Stiles breathed out, recognizing the deceased woman on the sign as the girl who used to tutor him during his dad's shifts. Everyone turning around once they heard Stiles's words, Blair grabbing onto Stiles's shoulder in support - mirroring his exact action of when they had found Boyd's dead body together.