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"Xylazine. It's a tranquilizer for horses. For a werecoyote, expect it to work within seconds. I only have three. So whoever's shooting, needs to be a damm good shot." The group was currently in the vet, Blair forcing Isaac to accompany them along the way much to his dismay of having to be in the same room as Stiles since he was still pissed over Stiles's comment from the other day. However, when she quickly explained she broke up/took a break from Scott, he was quick to come since he wanted to know exactly what had gone through Blair's head to make such a bad decision like that. Blair blackmailing Isaac with the information by telling him that she wouldn't tell anything more unless he came with them knowing that Isaac would immediately drop everything to go since he was overly invested with Scott and Blair's relationship.
"Allison's a perfect shot," Scott reassured Deaton, having confidence in the huntress and her shooting abilities despite her current problems as both Blair and Isaac raised an eyebrow at his words since Blair had heard all about Allison nearly shooting Lydia in the face with her arrows.
"She used to be." Isaac corrected, his hands crossed against his chest - mirroring Blair beside him who was using her arms for extra heat in the cold office.
"Isaac's right, everyone has been off since you three got sacrificed," Blair spoke up as she backed up Isaac, both of them not wanting Allison to take this shot under pressure if she wasn't up to her full self.
"She can do it." Scott seemed to be confident and full of optimism for Allison whereas Isaac and Blair were more than skeptical of the plan. Both of them being the only realistic ones in the group since they seemed to be seeing all the flaws in this plan.
"If we manage to find the thing." Isaac pointed out, bringing his usual extra amount of negativity to the conversation. Blair already knowing it was going to lead to an argument between him and Stiles as she held her head down in disappointment when she saw Stiles glaring at Isaac already.
"Okay, what is the point of him? Seriously, I mean what is his purpose? Aside from the persistent negativity and the scarf? What's up with the scarf anyway? It's 65 degrees out." Stiles asked, getting frustrated with Isaac's negativity as both Scott and Blair became annoyed with their best friends bickering. Blair already used to the two arguing since both her and Isaac had a tendency to argue with Stiles.
"Stiles, I asked Isaac to come and it's absolutely freezing in here. Isaac has every right to wear his scarf." Blair defended her best friend considering she was wearing a large coat over her shoulders something that everyone found odd including Isaac but no one questioned her sense of apparel. Stiles learned that the hard way after he asked how she was always cold and she began placing her hand on the back of his neck whenever he wasn't looking to shock him since it was always freezing cold.