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Stiles and Blair were running through the woods when they suddenly came crashing into Scott - the two boys screaming at each other in surprise as Stiles shone his flashlight in Scott's eyes out of shock

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Stiles and Blair were running through the woods when they suddenly came crashing into Scott - the two boys screaming at each other in surprise as Stiles shone his flashlight in Scott's eyes out of shock.

Blair was the only one out of the three who didn't start screaming like a maniac when the three bumped into each other since the reminder that there was a wild coyote roaming around kept her from making any noise that could alert it of their location.

Blair grabbed the front of the flashlight and pointing it towards the ground so that Stiles wouldn't accidentally blind Scott as he began flashing it everywhere across the werewolf's face.

"No blinding the werewolf, dumbass. We need his eyes." Blair nearly yelled using the back of her hand to wack Stiles across the shoulder as she scolded him for almost hurting Scott and blinding him with his flashlight.

"Blair, I'm human! Stop hitting me!" Stiles yelled back as he now accidentally shone the flashlight in her eyes, Scott now grabbing the flashlight quickly before Blair committed murder on his best friend. Both Blair and Stiles glaring at each other as Stiles held his hand up to Blair accusingly while Blair was rolling her eyes at Stiles's overdramatic nature.

"Why were you guys running? I thought you would stay at the wreck?" Scott asked confusing knowing that both of them had a large distaste for coyotes for some reason Scott couldn't exactly pin since Blair was a Valkyrie and Stiles hung out with werewolves almost every day yet both of them were scared of a coyote.

"I think we found something," Stiles explained to Scott, referring to the coyote den that he and Blair had found just a couple minutes ago thinking that it would be important for his dad's case and for Scott to possibly catch a scent for Malia and maybe find her body.

"So did I," Scott admitted, having found something else in the time the group had parted. Stiles led the way with his flashlight in hand as Blair stood behind him, zipping up Scott's jacket that covered her entire top and shorts as she shoved her hands in her pockets, coming to the realization she should have changed before leaving since the cold was beginning to cause goosebumps across her entire body.

"It's a coyote den," Stiles explained to Scott as the werewolf followed the two into the den, ducking their heads to avoid getting bruises from the stone above them. Blair however missed her footing as she accidentally slammed her leg against the stone beside her which the boys managed to miss as they were too focused on investigating the den.

"Werecoyote." Scott corrected after he had explained to the two on their way to the den that Malia was, in fact, alive - Scott was able to track down the coyote that had run away from them at the wreck and when he finally did, it revealed it's blue eyes which Scott believed was a sign that it was actually Malia.

"You see this? This is Malia's. Remember, it's the same one she was wearing in the photo." Stiles held the jacket up for Scott to see as the two examined it. Blair began holding her hand to her nose to see she had gotten another nose bleed - turning her head away from Scott and Stiles as she tried to find some way to get rid of the blood coming from her nose, not wanting to worry Stiles or Scott since they were busy trying to help Malia right now.

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