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"They're here

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"They're here. Follow my lead." The Nogitsune ordered the Valkyrie - deciding to just abide by his words instead of fixing his attitude towards her. The two turning around once they heard the Sheriff finally entering the Loft. Both of them getting ready to start acting and to trick the Sheriff.

"You want to handcuff us?" The Nogitsune asked, noticing the pairs of handcuff's in the Sheriff's hands as the Sheriff took a couple of footsteps towards the teenagers in front of him - thinking he had a chance to get through to the two of them by talking to Stiles and Blair who he hoped where both still in there.

"If my son and his best friend are both still here, if there's still a part of either of them standing there in front of me, then both you will put these on willingly and come with me, because they know I'm here to protect them from themselves and from others." The Sheriff explained, his voice gentle and calming every time he spoke to the two in front of him. The man's relentless faith that he could save his son who was trapped inside the Nogitsune's mind was actually something they could use to their advantage.

While everyone else may be easy to fool, the Valkyrie knew all the tell-tale's of the Nogitsune's lying especially since she wasn't as gullible as everyone else in this town. For one, he didn't exactly have the same mannerisms as Stiles who immediately began rambling or stringing out apologies whenever he was guilty of something.

So, when the Nogitsune began tearing up and slowly holding out his hands voluntarily for the Sheriff to handcuff him, the Valkyrie following suit as she let the Sheriff close to her so that he could tighten the cuffs on both of their wrists - tricking him into thinking he had actually gotten through to the two teens.

The Nogitsune and the Valkyrie both staring at him in warning as the Sheriff shook his head in disappointment - already knowing he had failed with their stares. The Sheriff wanted both of the teenagers to have their minds completely back instead of having to suffer from a possessed mind.

"You're not my son and you're not Blair." Both of them shook their heads angrily in confirmation before snapping the handcuffs on their wrists, alerting Derek, Allison, and Chris that the Sheriff's plan hadn't worked.

Allison shot her taser gun first as the Nogitsune who caught it and threw it to the side - leaving Allison with one less weapon as she stared in shock at the Nogitsune being able to take the electricity. None of them figuring it that electricity clearly wouldn't affect the Kitsune.

Derek was the next to try and attack the two as he ran fully wolfed up to the two before the Valkyrie grabbed him and flipped him backward, twisting his arm behind his back while stepping on his two kneecaps until they were broken. Derek groaning in pain as she lifted him up again before swinging him effortlessly across the room so that he landed in the corner behind her. Allison and Chris starting to become alarmed since they didn't think that Blair would ever hurt Derek - starting to realize how far gone both of them were. The Valkyrie turning back with a cold stare on her face, having no traces of guilt on her face from hurting her host's brother.

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