Where it all started...

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It fell apart around them.

Everything did.

That was it, wasn't it?

That's what they thought at first.

Then they had hope!


That got crushed almost immediately.

"Shuichi!" He heard his name being called, and he sat up. Where am I? What's going on? What...? Shuichi looked around, and spotted Kaito, attempting to pick him up off the ground.

"Ah!" Shuichi stood up immediately. Shuichi's head hurt. He couldn't remember what had happened for him to have been knocked out. Did I get kncoked out? I don't know. "Um, K-Kaito? D-Do you know what's happened?" Kaito sighed, and crossed his arms.

"I don't. But we've got more important things to worry about right now,  sidekick!" Kaito grunted. "Anyways, we've gotta go. C'mon!" He turned around, and ran out of the class room. Shuichi looked at him for a moment, before going after him and feeling a sharp pain in his leg. He winced. What had happened? Shuichi paused for a moment, and looked at the rest of the classroom. The ceiling had a hole in it, the wall was completely blow out and there was shattered glass all over the floor. Shuichi looked at the scorch marks on the parts of the wall that were still there. He suddenly noticed the ringing in his ears. Maybe that's why I had such a hard time hearing. Shuichi rubbed his eyes. Another sharp pain went through his head, and he remembered an explosion. The ceiling fell, and...

Shuichi clutched his head, and rubbed his temples. Shit... I have a headache now. Shuichi sighed. He defiantly wasn't acting like himself. Probably delirious. It'll wear off quickly, won't it?

"Hey! Shuichi!" Shuichi perked up, and looked over at where the voice had come from. "C'mon, we've gotta go!" They said brightly. "You don't wanna get crushed, do you? This place is gonna start falling apart!" They pointed to the sky.

"H-Huh?" Shuichi ran a hand through his hair, rubbing his head. "W-What do you mean?"

The boy in front of him sighed. "C'mon, Saihara-chan! You're a detective for Atua's sake! Think about it for one second!" Shuichi's eyes widened, and the panic of the situation finally settled on him.

"O-Oh, shit...." Shuichi admitted. He finally recognized the person in front of him as Kokichi. He didn't look to bothered by the situation. He was smiling quite brightly, but Shuichi had a feeling he was lying. Most likely, Kokichi was just as scared as he was. "K-Kokichi! What are you still doing here! You've got to leave."

"Correction, we've gotta leave!" Kokichi shouted. Shuichi flinched. "If you're thinking about staying here to die, then I won't be stopping you. Not really. I'd drag you out of here myself if you told me that."

"Kokichi, now's not the time to be lying!" Shuichi walked past him and groaned. "I-I don't remember what's happening right now, I just know we have to leave." Shuichi looked around, then suddenly grabbed Kokichi's hand. Kokichi flinched, not having expected Shuichi to grab his hand like that. "This way!" He declared, running out the door of the classroom.

"Oh~, Saihara-chan! Are you making a move on me in this dire situation?" Kokichi laughed. "Nishishi~! I didn't think you'd be so bold as to do something like that! Especially now!"

Shuichi could tell that he had started blushing, but now wasn't the time to call Kokichi out on his flirtatious comments. It defiantly wasn't the most opportune moment for Kokichi to be making them, but Shuichi just decided to go silent. Kokichi, seemingly upset, went quiet as well, as Shuichi wasn't responding to him. The two of them ran around the Academy, finding sights that they had rather not seen. Students were killing  each other. People were dying. Shuichi didn't really know what to do, freezing up. 

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