It Ends Here

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All the Remnants were in custody, and they were all being put into rehab. Their plan had worked, and it was going rather smoothly. That was, really, until the Neo World Program had apparently been hijacked, forcing the Remnants of Despair into a killing game.

"What do we do?" Makoto was panicking. "This isn't working the way it should be!"

Miu was staring at her machine, most likely freaking out. "I-I-I don't know! I didn't program it to do this! You've been repeating this statement multiple times now! S-Stop accusing me of things I didn't do!" Miu pointed a finger at Makoto. "You don't even know the half of how much work I put into this thing!"

"I-I understand that, but, I, um, I'm too nervous, alright?" Makoto stared at the screen. "What are we supposed to do? After Chiaki got killed, the program has been glitching out."

Miu thought for a moment, before an idea hit her. "Wait! I remember something!" Miu ran to the laptop she had in the corner of the room, and ran over to Makoto. "Listen, I made this thing called the 'Shutdown Sequence'. It'll completely shut down the program."

Makoto turned to Miu. "That's great! Why didn't you suggest this before?"

"Fuckin' hold on!" Miu shouted. Makoto flinched, stepping away. "Y'see, the issue with the Shutdown Sequence is that if we use it, the Remnants won't remember what happened in the program." Miu pulled up a small diagram. "There is the 'Graduate' option, or the option to stay inside the program, but, those have their own problems."

"What's wrong with Graduate? I understand the issues with staying in the simulation." Makoto asked.

"W-Well, if they 'Graduate', the ones who 'died', will be replaced by Junko."

Makoto froze. What? Seriously? "Wait, what? How?"

"I don't know!" Miu admitted. "It's just, that's the way the virus in the program works! It was clearly explained in the file I found!"

"Why can't you just get rid of it?"

"I can't get rid of it, I didn't get any anti-virus malware in that thing!" Miu shouted. "I didn't fuckin' expect a virus to get in there! I've already explained this a million fuckin' times to you!" She turned around, biting on her fingernails. It was a little uncharacteristic for her, but she was incredibly stressed out by this point.

The door to the room suddenly burst open, as Kyoko and Byakuya walked in. "I've got bad news." Kyoko declared, walking past Miu.

"What?" Makoto spoke up. "There's more?"

Kyoko pulled out a small device, and swiped her finger across it. She showed it to Makoto, and there was a video of the killing game playing. Makoto was shocked at the sight. "This is a live feed being transmitted to every single person in Future Foundation." Kyoko pulled the device away. "The plan we had come up with to get the Remnants out won't be capable of working the way we wanted it to."

"If we go in there, Future Foundation will see." Byakuya explained. "And you can guess what'll happen from there."

"We'll probably be labeled as traitors." Kyoko continued on. "And, well, we'd most likely be put on trial and most likely executed." Makoto winced. He could never not think about the killing game he was involved in at the word executed. "So, what's our game plan?" She turned to Miu.

Miu looked up, and narrowed her eyes. "Don't look at me! It's not like I know what the fuck you're supposed to do!" Miu turned around fully, putting her hands on her hips. "Listen, I'm a genius, but I can't know what to do in every goddamn situation! That's just completely impossible!" Miu let out an irritated sigh, turning around. "Anyways, what you fuckers do isn't my choice. You do whatever, I don't care." Miu walked over to the corner of the room. "But, if you are wanting to go into the simulation, the devices are over here." Miu pointed to a couple of headsets. "Just, be careful or something." Miu then left the room, leaving the three Future Foundation Members to sort it out themselves.

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