Suicide Mission

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Makoto sat around in the room, contemplating his next move. Shuichi is really planning to invade the Despair base soon. Makoto sighed. He remembered accidentally coming across that conversation, and having to act as if he hadn't heard it. However, knowing that the other detective was going to break into one of the most dangerous places on Earth to confirm some things about a single person that he should know is evil, it made Makoto incredibly uneasy. Why is he doing this? Did he really have that good of a relationship with Kokichi in the past? He wondered. But I mean, according to Shuichi, Kokichi had said that was all a lie. Yet he's still so insistent on confirming Kokichi isn't as bad as a person that he is.

Makoto huffed, falling back onto a stack of blankets. What could I do to convince him? Probably nothing. Maybe Kyoko could, or Byakuya. I don't know, but I can't let Shuichi go into that place by himself. Considering how his closest friends hadn't been able to convince him not to go, I surely can't. Makoto stood up, stretching. Right. I've gotta figure something out. He stepped out of the room, careful to stay close to the wall. The reason to that is because he really didn't want to be spotted through the glass windows, in case someone was capable of seeing through them. He headed towards another one of the rooms, and knocked on the door.

Kyoko opened the door. "Oh. Hello Makoto. Do you need something?"

"Yes, I do." Makoto admitted. "Do you happen to have any... um... handcuffs on you?" 

Kyoko raised an eyebrow. "Why...?"

Makoto sighed. "I can't tell you that right now. I can explain later. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to trust me on this." Kyoko paused for a moment, before shutting the door and heading back into her room. Makoto waited for a moment, before she came back and opened the door.

Kyoko sighed, placing a pair of handcuffs in Makoto's hands. "I don't understand why you would need these, but whatever." She said, rubbing her eyes. "You'd better tell me later."

Makoto nodded. "I will. But, I have another thing."

"I'm assuming that you won't be explaining this to me either?" Kyoko leaned on the door frame.

"Y-Yeah, sorry." Makoto mumbled. "But do you happen to have restraints? Of any sort?"

Kyoko nodded. "Yes I do. I'm assuming you want me to set those up?"

Makoto nodded again. "Yeah, could you set it up in the main room?" He pointed behind him. "Somewhere there, if you could." Kyoko nodded, heading back into her room. She came back with the restraints.

"I'm very confused, but whatever. I assume you're planning something with all of these things?" She asked.

"Well, not exactly. It's someone else's plan that I'm adding to." It's Shuichi's complicated plan to commit suicide, if that counts. Makoto thought to himself. "Sorry for not being able to tell you Kyoko, but I can't have anyone really knowing about what I'm going to do."

Kyoko got to the ground, getting to work. "No, it's fine. I did that all the time during the killing game."

Makoto winced. The killing game. I've almost forgotten about that. No, not really. I've been forcing myself to forget that. "I guess you did..." And I especially haven't forgotten what happened right after. I mean, that interaction was incredibly important, wasn't it? I mean, it helped a little, I guess, since it informed the Ultimate Despairs that Junko was dead. Makoto sighed. But, Kokichi immediately took over her role as their leader, and it's may be worse now. Makoto rubbed his forehead. The attacks got more tactical after that. Maybe telling them Junko was dead hadn't been the best idea.

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