Ultimate _______ ______

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Kokichi stared at the academy, a little sad by how different it looked now. Most of the walls had crumbled, due to the support having worn thin. There were noticeable patches of greenery that had grown around the edges of the walls, and there wasn't a glass window in sight. Kokichi sighed, the wind whipping his cape around. Well, I came here for answers. I might as well look for them. Kokichi entered the building, and found it much less windy. Well that's a little odd. With all the holes I thought there would be a lot of wind. Kokichi walked down the hallways, pausing every now and then. It defiantly wasn't the best place for Kokichi to be walking around in. He could tell that there was a very high chance that he could die, but whatever. Even if he got crushed, Mikan would probably figure out some way to save him. She's an incredible doctor, that's for sure. If only she wasn't an Ultimate Despair. Kokichi thought bitterly.

Kokichi walked around, and finally spotted what he was looking for. It was the principal's office, and he hoped to Atua that there were paper files in there. Kokichi entered the room, and found it completely intact. It all seemed the same as it did years ago, just a little more dusty. Kokichi sighed, and looked around. He looked at the drawers, finding multiple labels on each of them. Kokichi opened a few out of curiosity, finding multiple folders and papers in all of them. I'm going to be here for a while, aren't I? Kokichi thought. He shrugged, and started flipping through the folders. It's not like I have much to do anyways. The Despairs probably wouldn't care if I was here. They can do stuff on their own. I don't want to be a part of their shit. Kokichi read the labels on the folder individually, finding out that they were not in numerical order. "Excuse me, Class 12 to Class 34? Who the hell sorted these?" Kokichi said under his breath, frowning at the folders. Kokichi hastily read each number, and came to a small halt at Class 53. Kokichi froze for a moment, staring at the number. He was rather tempted to read through the folder, but he shook his head and decided not to. You already know them. There's no point in it. Kokichi sighed. You're even doing all of this specifically for them. Just stay focused. He scolded himself, and continued to flip through the folders. It took Kokichi a while to find Class 77, but he did eventually.

He pulled out the folder, and sat down in a nearby chair. He opened up, and was greeted by a full description of each student in that class. Kokichi began reading through, finally figuring out why each person was good at their special talent. He didn't know about these talents, and was rather surprised to find that apparently 'being lucky' was a talent in itself. Kokichi huffed. I guess that's why Nagito had such bullshit. He was the 'Ultimate Lucky Student'. Kokichi continued reading through each student, and paused at a particular one. It was of a girl, one of which he didn't recognize.

Chiaki... Nanami? Kokichi thought. He thought about the current despairs, and realized that she wasn't part of the group at all. Kokichi picked up the piece of paper, attempting to figure out who she was. Ultimate Gamer... she was Class 77's Class Representative. Kokichi stared at the piece of paper confused. She wasn't with the Despairs back then. Where is she now?  Is she alive? Where could I find her? Would I even be able to find her? Who is this, even? Kokcihi played at his hair. What's her relationship with Class 77? Was it good, or was she just a rep? Did something happen to her, possibly? What's her importance in this? She must be important. After all, she isn't with the Despairs. Kokichi looked at the picture for a moment longer, before deciding to move on to the rest of the folder. As he got through the last student, Kokichi realized he hadn't seen Izuru at all. So he isn't a part of Class 77. Kokichi thought, standing up and closing the folder. I wonder where he came from. Kokichi thought for a moment, before a small idea came to him. There was that one thing, back then. Where you could sign up, for, something. To, improve talent? Kokichi placed his hand on his chin for a moment, before turning around and trying to see if he could find files on the subject. He looked around for a while, and sure enough he found what he was looking for. 

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