Lie Detector

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(A/N Are you ready for a f*cking ride? Because I'm driving this roller coaster of a story straight down to the "Depression" zone for both of these characters. Get ready for that, if you want to. >:D)

Shuichi found the hallways completely empty. He had originally been incredibly cautious, but finding himself 'alone' in the building resulted in him walking around in the open. It was a rather normal building, but he would say that there were too many rooms to his liking. How do the Ultimate Despairs navigate this thing? He wondered, opening a door to another empty room. Shuichi sighed, and turned away. C'mon, just let me find a room with something in it. He continued walking, and ended up finding a room that looked like a living room.

Shuichi walked in, and looked around. It's oddly, normal, in here. He observed. I thought it'd be more, despairful or something. There are barely any type of  images that point to this place being the Despairs' base. Shuichi couldn't quite know the reason behind that. He'd try and ask Kokichi, if he was capable of finding the leader. Shuichi winced slightly. What's it going to be like? Will he be expecting me? Afterall, he's really smart. He'd probably have already figured out I would try to talk to him again. Shuichi exited the room, continuing to walk down the hallway. There were more doors, and more empty rooms. After finding his twenty-second empty room, Shuichi sighed. Why do they have all these rooms if they won't be using them? Maybe it's just because they don't need them.

After what felt like years, Shuichi finally found a room that had something in it. Well, actually, he couldn't be quite too sure of that, standing outside the door. The door was a different material, standing out from the rest of the hallway. Instead of the typical black door, this one was pure white. It slightly intimidated Shuichi, as he couldn't be sure what was behind the door. Don't get your hopes up. Who knows, maybe they just didn't have another black door. Either that, or this white one is just to mess with people. Shuichi hesitated a moment, before he pushed the door forwards. It swung open, and he found himself in a dark room. He looked around, finding the light switch.

The lights flickered on, and it looked like a normal bedroom. Well, minus the large, throne-like chair. I wonder what that's for. Shuichi stared at it for a moment, before turning away and looking at the rest of the room. As he was walking around, he found how uneven the ground was. He crouched down, looking at the floor. It wasn't that it was uneven, but that there were small pieces of something scattered all over the floor. Shuichi scooped up a handful of the tiny pieces, finding them to be rather pointy. Shuichi paused for a moment. Is this, plastic? He wondered. He stood up, looking around the room. It was then he spotted a lot more plastic pieces all over the floor, as well as the stack of Monokuma masks in the corner. Shuichi walked over to them, comparing the pieces to the masks. If my deduction is correct, I'd say these bits of plastic are from these masks.

Shuichi dropped the pieces back on the floor. But, why would there be so many broken pieces? Did they break? But for what reason? Shuichi decided he would think about it later, looking around the rest of the room. There was a rather normal bed, that Shuichi decided not to investigate. He found himself walking over to a desk and chair in the corner of the room. He found, playing cards. All over the desk. They weren't all the same cards either, all coming from different games. There were a couple heart cards, a couple UNO cards, Rock-Paper-Scissors cards, you name it. There was probably at least one of those cards in that messy pile. Shuichi picked up a couple. Why are there so many of these? Shuichi thought for a moment, before he realized. I, gave Kokichi tons of playing cards. He glanced back down at the cards. Could these be the same ones? Why does he still have them? Why are they here? I thought he gave them to D.I.C.E.

Shuichi placed the cards back down, turning away from the desk. What else should I look at? I don't really know. I'm pretty sure this is Kokichi's room, but he doesn't seem to be here right now. Shuichi huffed. Does that mean I'll have to search the entire building for him? God, I hope not. Shuichi walked forwards, sliding his hand across the wall. He then suddenly noticed how cold it was. he brought his hand away, looking at his fingers. Paint? Shuichi looked at the wall, noticing the shiny cover of paint on the wall. There was something there, but it got covered up. Shuichi rubbed his fingers on it, trying to uncover it. He then noticed that there was more than one layer of paint. Kokichi clearly didn't want anyone seeing what was on here. Shuichi rubbed to paint on his hands, watching the paint slowly peel off. I don't have a paint scrapper, so I guess it'll just be a mystery.

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