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Rantaro exited the building, a little upset. For all he knew, Shuichi was on a goddamn suicide mission, and he could do nothing to stop it. But he wasn't able to stop Shuichi. He's just so determined. How would I be able to stop him? Rantaro thought bitterly. He found himself walking much slower than he typically did, not quite used to this area as much as he was with the last one. Rantaro's eyes darted around the place, analyzing it. Seems almost the same. Still different though. Less apartments, more conveniences. Rantaro however, did not enter most of them, as they did not seem particularly useful.

Rantaro cautiously walked down the street, staying low. There was enough rubble that it would be rather difficult to spot him. Rantaro frowned. But does that really help? My hair is bright green. He thought. I should have really thought of getting a hood of some sorts. Or like, a wig. I don't know, I'll ask Tsumugi later. Rantaro finally came across a small store. There we go. That looks right. Right before Rantaro was about to enter, he noticed something a little odd. There were visible footsteps on the inside. There were patches of dust missing, leaving a few hand prints around the place. Rantaro frowned. Someone's been here. He thought for a moment, before he decided to enter anyways. It seemed pretty stocked, even though someone had definitely been here before him. Rantaro swiveled his head around. Weird. Why would someone come in here and just leave everything?

Rantaro began rooting through the store, finding many miscellaneous objects that were all useful in their own accord. I'll be coming back here again later, most likely. There's a lot of things here that'd be useful. Rantaro paused. Maybe that's why there were footprints. There was someone else with the same idea. He shrugged. Well, if they found the same place, I won't stop them. I won't take everything for now, if they really need it. Rantaro was just about ready to leave, when he realized he was forgetting something very important. Ah, right. Water. I need to get that. He looked around, and spotted the packs of plastic water bottles. He walked over to it, and froze in front of them.

There was a large envelope, just sitting on top of the water bottles. Rantaro hesitated, before he picked it up, reading who it was dressed to. "To Class 53..." Rantaro read aloud. He shivered slightly, a feeling of unease falling over him. Who wrote this? Why is it here? How did they know I would come here? How do they know about Class 53, and that they were somewhere around here? Rantaro panicked. He flipped it over, attempting to make sure there wasn't a bomb or something attached to it. He felt it down, finding nothing suspicious. Rantaro hesitated for a moment, before flipping the envelope open. There was a piece of paper folded up inside of it. Before taking it out, Rantaro decided to feel inside the envelope. There wasn't anything in their besides the piece of paper.

Despite knowing there wasn't anything wrong with it, Rantaro was still uneasy. His paranoia was much higher than it used to be, ever since he'd been found by Future Foundation. Rantaro inhaled and exhaled deeply. Calm down. You're over thinking this. Rantaro turned around, sitting down on the packages of water bottles, taking out the piece of paper. He unfolded it, and was greeted by multiple paragraphs of writing. Rantaro stared at it for a moment, before he fully began to read it.

Hey hey! Is this Rantaro? I would think so, since who else would have been able to find it? Anyways, the question on your mind right now is probably if you know me or something. Well, I don't think so. Not in the way that you would think of knowing me. Sorry, that was a little bit weird, but I couldn't think of how to write down my thoughts in a way to get my message across. Anyways, I'll tell you now, that I am not your enemy! I'm actually writing this to tell you some things about the Ultimate Despairs. Since, I'm pretty sure that you and your class want to end up defeating them, right? I know you can't answer, but whatever. I'll just be asking questions that I know the answer to anyways.

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