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WARNING: OKAY BEFORE ANY OF THIS STARTS I GOTTA SAY THERE IS ANGST. Like, a decent amount. No, I mean, like a lot. It includes major character death. There was a good reason as to why, I did the happy ending instead. If I make someone cry, I'm sorry, but you were warned. (NOT CANON NOT CANON I DID NOT TROLL YOU WITH THE HAPPY ENDING IT IS AN ALTERNATE ONE.)

It was a rainy, summer day. June 21st. Shuichi was standing in the middle of the grass, holding a black umbrella. It was almost funny, how the weather was matching his mood.

"Shuichi..." Kaede came up next to him, wearing all black. "Are you okay?"

Shuichi hesitated. "I... I don't know. Maybe? I can't be sure." There was silence, the only sound was that of the rain droplets softly pelting the multiple umbrellas. The group consisted of the old Remnants of Despair, and Class 53. Where they were, was practically the middle of nowhere. They couldn't... have a proper send off. He was a criminal in the eyes of the public. Shuichi gripped the handle of the umbrella, thinking back to what had happened.


Class 53 were running down the stairs, when the building shook rather violently. Shuichi whipped back around, looking back up. "Shuichi, what are you doing?" Kaede's voice came from behind him.

Shuichi glanced at her, before he turned back around, running back up without a word. He was too far gone to hear what Kaede said next. His heart was beating out of his chest, hoping that the leader was okay. He was running as fast as he could, nearly tripping over the stairs and falling forwards. When he made it back to the room he had previously been in, it looked much different. There was moonlight shining down on the scene of broken concrete. There was debris everywhere, and dust blocked his view. Shuichi swiveled around, trying to spot anyone. And he did. But it wasn't what he wanted to see.

"K-Kokichi!" Shuichi ran forwards, having finally spotted the leader.

Kokichi tilted his head up. "Shuichi...?" His voice was strained, blood running down his forehead. He smiled faintly. "O-Oh, heya. I think something hit me in the head. I can barely feel the lower half of my body." Shuichi dropped to the floor in front of Kokichi, seeing him partially crushed underneath a large piece of debris. "Or... did something else happen...? I can't really tell anymore..." He attempted to push himself up, but instead just pitifully fell to the ground again. "A-Ah, that reminds me... why are you here... Shuichi...?" His words were rather soft, as it was almost clear he was tired.

Shuichi hesitated, getting slightly closer to the ground. "I-I couldn't just ignore the explosion!" Shuichi looked around for a moment. "Kokichi, we've got to get out of here."

Kokichi sighed. "Correction, you've got to get out of here." Kokichi blinked, resting his head on his arms. "There's no way you'd be able to get me out of here."

"Stop acting so calm!" Shuichi shouted. Kokichi glanced up, seeming surprised. Shuichi pressed his hands to his eyes. "I don't, I don't want it to end like this!" He admitted. "You... I... I can't just leave you here like this!"

"Well you're going to have to!" Kokichi shouted back. He was suddenly coughing violently, blood spreading across the floor. Kokichi stared at the bloodstains, fear reflected in his eyes. He dropped his voice back down to the soft whisper. "I'm not making it either way. You get me out, I'll die anyways." Kokichi laughed weakly. "So just... go. Leave me... to finish this off."

Shuichi was completely in tears at this point. "K-Kokichi, you can't just tell me to leave! I'm not going to do that!" He placed his hands on top of Kokichi's own hands. "You're my best friend... you should know that...!" His voice cracked, as he was barely able to keep speaking.

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