Paths Cross

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Makoto really felt like crying his eyes out until he couldn't. But that would have to wait, as that he was being assigned a mission for today. Along with the rest of friends. Whatever the mission was, he hadn't quite been informed yet. Makoto met up with the others right outside their leader's office.

Makoto rubbed his shoulder. "S-So do we know what he wants?"

"No," Kyoko sighed. "He's being as adamant as ever." Kyoko turned to the door, and shoved it open. 

"This better not be a waste of my time," Byakuya walked into the room. "Or I'm quitting."

"P-Please don't." Makoto went in after him. 

"Glad to see you all here." The leader of Future Foundation was sitting at his desk. "I've got an assignment for all of you."

"We're aware." Kyoko crossed her arms. "What is it?"

"You all remember what happened a few days ago?" An awkward silence fell between the group. Why wouldn't we remember? Makoto thought. "Well, as you all know, a few strangers appeared in the middle the fight."

Makoto nodded. "I think I've seen those people before."


"Most likely at Hope's Peak," Makoto thought about it for a moment. "I don't remember any of their names though."

"Well, we know their names any how." The leader brought out what looked like a school. directory. "The people who helped us were Rantaro Amami, Kirumi Tojo, Maki Harukawa, Tenko Chabashira and Gonta Gokuhara. All of them used to attend Hope's Peak as part of Class 53." Kyoko walked forwards, picking up the piece of paper.

"Are there anymore of them?" She asked.

"Yes, there are." The leader pulled out a couple more pieces of paper. "The rest of them include Kaede Akamatsu, Shuichi Saihara, Himiko Yumeno, Kaito Momota, Miu Iruma, Tsumugi Shirogane, Ryoma Hoshi, Angie Yonaga, Korekiyo Shinguji, the robot K1-B0, and... Kokichi Ouma."

Kyoko perked up when she heard the last name. "Kokichi Ouma?"

The leader nodded. "That's right. He was their former classmate."

Kyoko stared at the papers again. "So that means they might know something about him."

"Exactly." The leader placed his hands on his desk. "I would like you five to go back to that area and try to find that group of individuals. It may just be the five of them, but it would be beneficial to us if we could get their help. They've shone that they're very capable in combat, and most likely have valuable information to help our cause."

Kyoko nodded, handing the papers back. "Okay." She turned around and began leaving the room. "Let's go everyone." The other four followed after her, heading towards their destination.


Shuichi walked out of his room, feeling much more confident than he had multiple days ago. I guess he was right. Taking the hat off really does help me a lot. Shuichi shook his head. No, don't think about that as helpful. He was only lying. He hasn't helped. Shuichi sighed, shoving the thoughts out of his head as he sat down at the table with the others.

"Good morning Shuichi!" Kaede said brightly. "You seem happy!"

Shuichi laughed. "I've been feeling a lot better recently."

"That's great to hear, sidekick!" Kaito shouted. "You're finally getting some back bone!" Shuichi let out a happy sigh. Things had been turning around for them, he felt. Shuichi's renewed confidence led him to have a much more healthy state of mind. He wasn't as self-deprecating anymore, and he would share his ideas more often. Kaede was taking a break from being the leader of the group, since she hadn't been feeling all that well recently. So, technically, Shuichi was leading the group now. "I'd say that you're a much better leader than that bastard! Ultimate Supreme Leader my ass, you're way better!"

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