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Kokichi watched the dust fall. He couldn't quite see anyone else, which made him wonder where they were, and if they were okay. I hope no one got killed. But this dust is very good for blocking vision. I guess that's another lucky thing. There's enough dust that they can't see me anymore.

"Hey, Kokichi." Kokichi turned to his left, seeing Nagito.

"Oh hi." Kokichi said, raising his wrist. "Are we getting out of here? Or are we going to try something else?" He pointed to his wrist, motioning for Nagito to take it off.

"That would be your decision." Nagito nodded, as he went to remove the restraints on Kokichi.

"Well, I think we'd better leave. It's twenty-one versus two." Kokichi sighed. "I know you have the most bullshit luck, but I don't think that we'd be capable of winning that fight." The restraints fell to the ground, and Kokichi rubbed his wrists. "What are you even still doing here? I thought you left."

"Well, as it turns out, I forgot all of my explosives at the base." Nagito laughed awkwardly. "I thought I had just had bad luck then, but when I realized you weren't there, I found out that you'd been captured, so I guess it was good luck after all!"

Kokichi smiled. Not for me though. "I guess so!" Kokichi turned around. "Anyways, let's go, before they decide to try and murder us."

Kyoko suddenly broke through the dust clouds, pointing a gun directly at Kokichi and Nagito. "Stop right there."

Kokichi froze, turning around. She was capable of finding us really quickly. That's, surprising. He smiled at her. "Oh, what are you going to do with that? Shoot me?" He laughed. "I thought you couldn't do that, since if I died someone else would come to power." 

Kyoko hesitated a moment, staring at the two Despairs. She knows about Nagito's Ultimate Luck. She'll probably realize that if she shoots, her gun will jam. Kokichi blinked, waiting for her response. "I can still shoot you, Kokichi."

Kokichi nodded. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Don't you have the aim to not shoot me in my vitals?" He asked. "What if I move, and your aim gets thrown off? You can try a lot of things, but there's no guarantees that it'll actually work." Kyoko hesitated a moment, before she aimed the gun downwards and went to pull the trigger.

Kyoko grimaced. "God damn it." 

"It jammed." Nagito observed.

"Sure did." Kokichi nodded. He turned around, sighing. "Well, I guess that's it then. Time to go." He huffed, crossing his arms. Isn't that amazing. Shortest lived victory ever. It's been less than an hour since I was captured. That sure sucks, doesn't it? Kokichi stopped, turning around at the sound of footsteps. He saw Kyoko running at the two. "Oh, so we're doing it this way." Kyoko brought out the taser from before, skillfully dodging around Nagito, headed directly towards the leader. Kokichi ground. She's a lot faster than I thought she would be. He took a small step back, before spinning in a sharp circle. Kyoko hesitated, not knowing where to aim. She stepped back herself, not wanting to get hit by the fabric of his cape. Kokichi placed distance between the two. "Nishishi, keep your guard up, Ms. Detective!" Kyoko turned around, dodging Nagito once again.

"Ah, I'm getting really unlucky today." He sighed, stepping back, evading Kyoko's taser. 

"Kyoko?! Where did you go?" Kokichi turned towards the dust clouds, having heard the voice of Makoto. Oh right. Makoto likes her or something. Kokichi paused a second. Oh wait a minute.


"Is that the Ultimate Hope?" Nagito immediately got distracted, a wide smile on his face. He glanced at Kokichi, as if asking for permission.

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