After All These Years

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(A/N here's the fricking, whatever idk shippy stuff I guess some of you have been waiting for I actually don't know if anyone wanted it but I mean like there's not much else for me to do lmao.)

Shuichi entered his room, closing the door behind him, his face flushing. Is that really true? Why'd he tell Rantaro of all people? Shuichi covered his face, attempting to push down whatever blush was on his face. Calm down! He was probably lying to Rantaro anyways! Shuichi assured himself. That was probably it. Shuichi sighed, sitting down at his desk, laying his head down. Why can't I bring myself to hate him? I just, I can't let go of the past. I need to move on. Shuichi frowned. But that almost impossible, isn't it? It's been such a long time, yet I still haven't gotten over it? Shuichi thumped his head on the table, attempting to beat the thoughts out of his head. He knew it wouldn't work, but it was worth a shot. Plus, it was kind of satisfying, hearing the thumping sound each time.

Shuichi began reflecting, despite what he had told himself. Could it be possible I had developed a crush as well? And I was just too dense to realize it? Shuichi thought about it, and he groaned, realizing how plausible his theory was. No, that can't be it. I don't want to have that, like, Stockholm Syndrome thing or whatever. Shuichi paused. Except he hasn't kidnapped me or anything. I guess that's a plus. He thought glumly. Who am I kidding? I'm just trying to put Kokichi into a much brighter light than I really should. He's the leader of The Ultimate Despairs. Shuichi sat up straight, staring at the small machine on the corner of his desk. But, I can't shake the feeling that maybe he isn't. Shuichi sighed, his head beginning to hurt a little. He did so many tricks back at school, why wouldn't he pull an elaborate one right now? 

"Hey, detective bitch"

Shuichi flinched slightly, turning to look at the person who had called him that. He didn't quite recognize them, but he knew that whatever they were here for, it probably wasn't something he was going to enjoy. "Y-Yes?"

"What's a worthless person as yourself doing in this school? You can barely be called a detective." Said another person, walking up behind the stranger. Shuichi winced, bringing the hat over his eyes. "Oh, the fucking pussy can't handle a single insult? What kind of detective are you?"

"C-Could you stop? I'm going to be late..." Shuichi trailed off, not a hint of confidence in his voice. 

"No," Said a newcomer, making a group of three. "You don't deserve to go to class. You should just leave and go attend some other place. You can't hold a candle to the other Ultimate Detectives."

"I-I'm aware of that!" Shucihi raised his voice. "But, I came here to learn about how to be better. S-So, I intend to stay." Shuichi mumbled, raising his hat a little. He found that quite the mistake, as he noticed the angry faces pointed at him. Shuichi flinched, bringing the hat over his face again. "I-I'm sorry!"

"You'd better be. After all, you-"

"Hey, what's going on here?" Shuichi looked up, noticing Kokichi standing behind the group of three.

"Nothing, stay out of this."

Kokichi grinned. "Really? Because that sure looks like something." Kokichi pushed through the group of three, looking under Shuichi's hat into his eyes. Kokichi's voice dropped to a low whisper. "Hey, are you okay?"

Shuichi was a little surprised at the leader's concern. He hadn't quite seen that side before, and just nodded, breaking eye contact. Kokichi smiled, turning back around. "Alrighty then! If you were truly doing nothing, then you can leave I guess." Kokichi waved at the group. "I've gotta talk to Saihara-chan for a moment. Do you mind?"

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