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Maki would say, that she definitely appreciated that her hostage wasn't being a bitch. Despite what she says, she doesn't like hurting people that are undeserving of being injured. She did want to believe in the person underneath her, but she couldn't be quite sure yet if they were friend or foe.

The woman struggled a little, but Maki could tell it was just to make herself more comfortable. However, she wasn't going to let that happen yet. She gave up quickly, and sighed. "Okay. My name's Kyoko Kirigiri. Us five are only here to talk to you all. We're not here to fight."

Shuichi looked at her for a moment, hesitating. He looked at Maki for a moment. Maki raised an eyebrow. What are you looking at me for? Shuichi looked back down at Kyoko. "For what reason?" 

Kyoko paused for a moment. "Before I can tell you that, could you tell us your name?" She asked. "If you can't, we're not allowed to say anything either."

"Why?" Shuichi pressed on. "Is it because you're part of the Remnants?"

"N-No! We're not!" The man Kaito was holding down spoke up. Shuichi looked at him for a moment. "My name's Makoto Naegi! We're not here to hurt you!"

"You better give us more context, or we won't be letting you go." Maki growled. 

Kyoko sighed. "I'm sorry, I can't. I don't know if I could trust you."

"If you can trust us?" Shuichi repeated. "You're not exactly in the right predicament to be making that statement."

"I'm aware," Kyoko muttered. "But our boss told us that we shouldn't tell random people who we are." Kyoko broke eye contact. "I theoretically shouldn't have said my name there, but it should be fine if someone knows my name."

Shuichi paused for a moment, before directing his attention to the other three. "What about the rest of you? What are your names?" There was silence for a moment, as they all thought for a moment about their next action.

"Just tell them," Kyoko said. "There's no harm in it."

The blonde man sighed. "My name's Byakuya Togami."

"T-T-Toko Fukawa..." Said the woman with glasses.

"Yasuhiro Hagakure." Said the man with sea-urchin hair.

"Aoi Asahina!" Said a woman with brown hair.

Shuichi paused for a moment, sighing. "Does anyone want to share?"

Maki looked down at Kyoko for a moment, and nodded. "Maki Harukawa. Nice to meet you all, I guess."

"You're Maki?" Kyoko asked.

"Yes, I just said that." Maki mumbled.

Kyoko paused for a moment. "I assume the rest of you are part of Class 53 as well, right?" There was a small silence. Maki hesitated. She knows? That was so long ago... Maki squinted at Kyoko, a small feeling of distrust coming over her. "I'll take the silence as a yes."" Kyoko sighed. "Alright, I'm Kyoko Kirigiri, who works at Future Foundation. We're all here to ask you for help. Or, just for some information. Either one."

Maki processed the information. She looked up from Kyoko, staring at Shuichi. "Do we get off them yet? Or do we stay on them?"

"Hold on, stay on their for a second." Shuichi took a small step forwards. "How do we know you're part of Future Foundation? Or that you're just a spy?"

"Maki, could you take out the ID in my pocket?" Kyoko asked. Maki slightly flinched at her own name. I told her. I should have expected that. For whatever reason, Maki wasn't comfortable with strangers saying her name. Maki looked around, and found Kyoko's pocket. She pulled it out. "Read it out loud."

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