The Stuff Going On Behind the Scenes (And Extra)

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Me, whenever someone insulted me:

Yeah for whatever reasons when i was reading through comments and being a complete *sshole, I was laughing at my computer screen pretty readily throughout most of it

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Yeah for whatever reasons when i was reading through comments and being a complete *sshole, I was laughing at my computer screen pretty readily throughout most of it. Also, yes I have a lot of random picture I drew of Kokichi and I no longer need any type of reference at ALL to draw him. This is an issue for me. Also, this is from a video I made.

If you want to watch it, you can. It's a vine comp. Also there's a second part as well.

Some of the vines may accidentally correlate with my story, but I can't quite be sure because tbh I made these before I ever started writing this thing. 

Anyways, off topic. So, I got a lot of different ideas during the time writing this. I did create an outline at the beginning, but it did end up changing. The whole reason I got inspiration for this story was that I saw this one picture of Kokichi with a Monokuma mask and I was like 'huh what if he was actually a Remnant' and then my brain was like 'hey what if I create the entire story line to your random idea every time you try to go to bed' and I was like 'alright I guess'. This was a while ago, anyways. At some point, I actually got out of the Danganronpa fandom, but then my GOOD friend was like,

Friend: Hey guess what.

Me: What.

Friend: I'm into Danganronpa now.

Me: Oh that's cool.

Friend: Also, we're playing V3 over Zoom calls and you're playing it because my computer doesn't have the right graphics card.






And that's the entire story. Then I was just kinda sitting around at my computer, and realized that I found myself actually liking a ship and I was like,

Me: Hey other friend?

Other Friend: yeah what is it.

Me: I like a ship.

Other Friend:


Other Friend: Who are you and WHAT did you do to my friend?!

Me: No wait it's actually me-

Yeah so then that spiraled down into 'I have literally nothing to do why not write a story'. So then I wrote an entire outline, and I was like 'Y'know this is a decent plot, but idk if I have the tolerance to finish writing this.' One thing I found out very quickly when I first started writing, (I started writing a while before this on original stories and such) is that I'm actually decent at writing cute stuff I guess, but the issue is is that I get really big amounts of embarrassment and I just can't do it. So instead I focus more on casual relationships, friendships, and plot. Which is why there's pretty much no shippy stuff except for the occasional flirt? And like, the character thinking, 'oh yeah I like this person'. And I guess like, hugs, touching, idk really. Listen, I get really easily embarrassed.

One thing I'd like to explain about the continuity of the characters, is that I'm more used to writing *ssholely character because I tend to find them a lot more fun to write. The thing is is that I tend to make more characters like them. Also there was this instance with my friends where I had to act like a godd*mn supervillain so I'm pretty decent at that since it had to be convincing. So basically, I'm really bad at the character who are actually decent people because I myself am like 'bruh I'm gonna throw HANDS with that character they f*cking SUCK'. So writing Shuichi was a good exercise for me. 

Now, something that may seem a bit weird for a couple of you is that I actually don't enjoy it when a character pretends to be a bad guy and the reader is aware of it. Because I typically end up being like 'JUST TELL SOMEONE OH MY GOD PLEASE' which just makes things really painful. They may have the most obvious hints, but the other characters can never figure it out and I'm just sitting there like 'why do you do this'. But as it turns out, I'm a hypocrite. It's much easier to get through a story with that concept when you know exactly what happens.

Also, I had been debating for a while what ending I was going to do. However, the more I thought about it, and the more I saw people f*cking dying in the comments, I was like, 'okay y'know what I'm just going to do the happy one because tbh I wouldn't be able to handle the angsty one, and no one else can either'. But before I came to that decision, I was debating whether or not I should include both endings in the canon, and have one as a dream. Like, I would do the happy one and be like 'haha SIKE it was a dream' but then I realized everyone would f*cking come find me in real life and give me corona. And to be honest, I don't really want to be wanted by the oumasai fandom so I was like 'okay no I'm not doing that'. The same thing would really happen with the other ending, because then people would be like 'you played with my feelings now you must die'. So I was like 'okay I'll do an alternate ending instead'. So that's how I got to my decision on what ending!

But anyways, funny story about how I got into Danganronpa V3. So basically, I had seen Danganronpa the anime  beforehand. Then at some point I was being emo and listening to Nightcore, and the background picture consisted of Kokichi and Shuichi. However, I had no f*cking clue who they were, so I looked at the comments and I saw their names. So I decided to look up Kokichi first. I was like 'wait this is Danganronpa I didn't know this character existed'. But the thing is is that I was in the mind set 'haha probably a knock off or something'. But anyways, like, a long time later, (I mean actual years), I came across that video again and I was like. 'Eh, why the heck not' so I looked up Kokichi again, and I started watching the trials of V3. Then somehow, I got into the Funny moments of NicoB and I was like 'haha I like Kokichi'. I was in Disney at this point, for whatever reason. Then I got out of the fandom a month later or so. Then my friend was like 'hey now I'm invested in Danganronpa and you saw where that happened. So literally this story spanned over multiple years. That's probably the longest time I've been aware of a character and not looking at where they originated from. Well okay maybe not since my sister said stuff about Naruto and I didn't see Naruto for a lot longer, so whatever. And that's the end of that story. :)

But anyways, back to stuff concerning the story. A lot I ended up making up on the spot, and it just kinda worked. I spent a lot of time on walks thinking about the reasons why Kokichi couldn't tell anyways what the heck was happening, nor why he couldn't just leave. I had realized just how dumb it would have been if I hadn't put a tracker on Kokichi, or had the Remnants be a bit more clingy. Another thing I realized quickly is that even though people know exactly who Kokichi and Shuichi are, if I didn't input some backstory there would be no impact on the story. So I had a couple too many flashbacks.

Next idea I had, was that I decided that I would start shortening the author's notes. I kinda wanted to make the A/N section almost their own character. I mean, it was technically me, but when the tone of the chapters started going a bit more solemn rather than tense, I started reflecting that in the tone of the author notes. I didn't have exclamation marks, and add more of a pause when it started changing. I was hoping slightly someone would notice and be like 'wait a minute'. I'm sure some people did, but they just didn't want to express it. Don't feel guilty on that it's fun imagining people's reactions anyways! Then when I removed the word count as well as the entire 'have a good day thing' that was meant to be the point where the tone of the story completely shifted. And then I just completely deleted the author's note to create a more dramatic feel. It's a simple thing that can create an amount of suspense, since I'm pretty sure everyone was used to the author notes having a certain high energy to them. There was a point where I was thinking about it in a way where I was like 'no author come back please I miss the energy' and I was like 'I guess I succeeded in that department towards myself, who actually is the author'. I don't know if it worked, but I hope that some of you understood where I was going with that.

Well, I don't really have much else to say, I would think. The next thing I'm posting is an entire summary of the story, really, just because it's really badly explained, and I think it's funny. But anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope you have a good day! :D

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