A Letter

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Kokichi exited his room, rather exhausted. He probably hadn't gotten a decent amount of sleep in months. But, whatever. He'd feel a little more awake in a couple minutes anyways. Either that, or pass out on the floor and end up back in his room. Whoever it was that put him back, he really didn't want to know, so he didn't bother asking. Kokichi walked into the living room, and found a handful of the Ultimate Despairs hanging around.

"Oh wow, you look like death." Mahiru spoke up.

"I'm aware." Kokichi grumbled, landing face first into one of the chairs. "I got no sleep. Again."

"W-W-We should r-really t-try and f-figure out w-why you c-c-can't." Mikan stuttered. "D-Do you n-need me t-t-to check up o-on you?"

Kokichi waved his hand. "No, just leave me be. I don't have time for that."

"What do you mean? You hang around in this tower all day." Fuyuhiko pointed out.

"Not today, at least. I've got something to do." Kokichi flipped over, sitting in his chair properly. "Y'know, now that I think about it, what are you guys still here? Don't you have things to do?"

"We're here to make sure that Future Foundation leaves you alone, Kokichi." Mahiru explained. "I mean, weren't you the one who decided to set up surveillance drones to make sure they weren't still around here?"

Kokichi sighed. "Yeah, but I can deal with those people no problem. You all are wasting time, just sitting around here. There isn't even a guarantee that there will be Future Foundation employees." Kokichi stretched his back out. "You all need to be out of here by tomorrow, or I'll be doing something drastic." There was a small silence, as they all picked up on Kokichi's serious tone. Kokichi smiled. "Just kidding! But I'd be really upset, that you all aren't doing the things Junko would want..." Kokichi, on the inside, was practically seething at saying her name. If there was anything that he hated the most, it was definitely Junko, considering how she started this whole mess. If she hadn't killed herself, Kokichi would have killed her himself if he could.

But, his statement did ultimately convince the Despairs in front of them. A few of them even seemed a bit guilty. Fuyuhiko sighed, standing up. Peko did as well. "Well, I guess I'll be going then. You better not be lying about this."

"Aw, c'mon, Fuyuhiko! I wouldn't lie about something like this..." Kokichi snickered. In return, Fuyuhiko narrowed his eyes at him, and promptly left, Peko following after him. That's two of them, at least. I have a feeling a couple will be here for a while. Kokichi paused for a moment, before standing up. "Welp, I'm going to go do the thing I need to do. Don't come after me." Kokichi stated. "I don't want to be followed, Nagito."

Nagito laughed awkwardly. "So you  knew about that?"

Kokichi sighed. "You weren't really that discreet about it. Rambling on about hope and despair while I was outside. It's like you were stalking me." Kokichi muttered. "And I'll say, that I frankly don't appreciate that." Nagito did not respond, instead just grinning like an idiot. Kokichi sighed. I guess I should have expected that. He blew up a school just because he wanted his classmates to show off. Kokichi shrugged. "Well, I'm off! I'll talk to you all later!" Kokichi walked out of the room, heading towards the building's exit.

He pushed the doors open, and stopped the moment he was outside. It was a cloudy day. It'll probably rain today. Kokichi shrugged. Whatevs. I don't care. He began walking, looking around. He had no clue as to where his old friends had went, but he was pretty positive they were still somewhere nearby. Considering how Future Foundation had met them, and were most likely still with them. Wonder who those employees are. Kokichi wondered. Maybe it'll be those group of kids that I met that one day, after the killing game ended. Kokichi smiled. That'd be nice. It would come full circle, wouldn't it?

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