It's... My Turn Now...

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Kokichi rapped his fingers on the table in front of him, staring at the multiple monitors on the wall. They were all grouped right at the exit, however Shuichi was still standing outside of the building by himself. I wonder what's wrong. Maybe he's just upset. Kokichi stood up, sliding his fingers off the desk. Well, I'd better start getting ready. Kokichi walked out of the room. There isn't much time for me to get ready for this. I need to get the things that my Despair personality would use in a fight. Kokichi came to a stop in the hallway. Fire, maybe? How could I possibly make that a weapon, though? Kokichi thought for a moment, before the idea hit him. Ah, right. Hairspray exists. Kokichi walked down the hallway, taking a can of hairspray from the bathroom. Anything else I would need? he thought to himself. No, I already have a knife and a gun. I'll be fine. Kokichi hesitated. I should probably get another knife or something. Just in case I get doubled teamed by people with sharp objects.

Kokichi walked into the kitchen, and picked up one of the knives. It isn't as good as the one I already have, but it'll work. I'm not aiming to kill anyone anyways. Kokichi huffed, nodding his head. 'Kay. I think that's good enough. They'll probably be expecting me to be in my room. Kokichi walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway. His footsteps echoed throughout the empty building, the loneliness finally settling on him. He'd realized, that he truly was alone now. There wasn't anyone there to look out for him, no one there to help him. No one to save him. Kokichi blinked slowly, feeling a little tired. I really should have tried to get some more sleep today. Let's hope I can keep a positive exterior and not break down crying in front of my entire class. Kokichi came to a stop in front of the door to his room, hesitant to go inside. He shook his head, and pushed the door open.

For whatever reason, he felt much better looking at this room than he ever did before. Kokichi laughed softly. I guess this place was the only time I didn't have to lie. It was nice, being able to vent all my anger and sadness in this room. Kokichi entered, deciding to take one last look at the entire room. He kicked the plastic on the floor. I never did bother to clean this up. But, whatever. It's too late now. Kokichi looked around his room, walking over to the dresser. He opened one of the drawers, finding one Monokuma mask inside of it, along with the rest of his Supreme Leader outfit. He picked up the mask, rubbing the smooth surface of the plastic. I would love to break this last one, but I can't go doing that. Kokichi placed the mask on the side of his head, not covering his face up at all. Kokichi wanted his old classmates to see his face at the end of this farce. That was really it. He placed his hat over top of the mask, and draped his cape over his shoulders. Right. That's about it for preparation and all.

He stood in front of the dresser, not knowing what he should do next. It would still take Class 53 a while to actually reach him, so he had some time to do whatever he wanted to. Kokichi tapped his cheek, not sure what he should do with his time. He looked to his desk, and saw the playing cards that were still all over his desk. Kokichi scooped them up,  and cast them into the air. They fell to the ground, spreading out all over the floor. Kokichi smiled. That looked cool. He sighed, turning back to the desk. He sat down, grabbing the picture on his desk. It wasn't exactly anything too special, just a picture of every single person in Class 53. Every single person in that class had gotten the picture, but Kokichi was sure that he was the only one who still had one.

Kokichi smiled softly, seeing the bright happy faces on the people who he cared about the most.  I'm sorry about all this, but it was for your sakes. He let out a happy sigh, and brought the picture closer to him. It was such a great memory to him, he couldn't help but feel happy about it. Any of his time at Hope's Peak had been amazing, even if they all hated him now. It was practically the only thing true about his life, despite what everyone else had believed. He closed his eyes, simply living in the moment, completely silent. He knew that he couldn't stay like this for long, but he thought that he needed a moment, after all this time feeling sad. However he felt now, it was most likely acceptance. He was content enough with what had happened, and he was finally getting exactly what it was that he wanted. It probably wasn't worth it, but it ended with the result I wanted. That's good enough.

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