Ultimate Adventurer, Right?

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Rantaro peeked out from the corner. No one there. I'm good to go. He took a careful step out into the open, and ran into the next alleyway. He really had to be careful, otherwise he would most likely get killed. Rantaro raised his eyebrows. Isn't that some healthy imagery. Thanks brain. He shook his head, and ran out to the next alley. It had been a while since Rantaro had come outside. It was needed, though. They were running low on supplies and other necessities. (A/N they don't have any toilet paper LMAO-) As the Ultimate Adventurer, Rantaro had typically been assigned the jobs to go out scavenging. He really didn't understand all too much of the reasoning why, but he'd trust Kaede with it. She'd proven herself quite the leader after all this time. Shuichi had gradually gotten better, becoming somewhat of a co-leader. Kaede had told Rantaro that she believed Shuichi could easily lead them, but she decided to remain in the role of authority. Shuichi still had some issues with leadership.

Rantaro shook himself out of his thoughts, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand. I've just gotta find some supplies. Of any kind. That's it. Rantaro closed his eyes, listening to the sounds around him. I don't think there's anything around here. I should be fine. Rantaro cautiously walked out from his hiding place, standing in the middle of the street for a few moments. I'm not getting attacked. I think I'll be okay. Rantaro exhaled, and began walking down the street. He looked around, trying to find some type of store of sorts. The good thing about the stores is that no one will be there, as everything had been completely shut down. Rantaro rubbed the back of his head. That's really the issue here, isn't it?

Rantaro shook his head and continued walking. It had been a while since Rantaro had come out of the warehouse, and was assessing the damage that had been caused. Roofs of houses were completely blown open. The sidewalks were turned up, and the street was riddled with rubble and dried blood stains. Glass was fully shattered, leaving almost a fine dust of crystal on the ground. Rantaro would admit, it wasn't the prettiest sight. He sure didn't like looking at it. But, whatever. I can't do anything about it now. He sighed, and turned away from the buildings. After about a couple minutes, Rantaro had finally found what he was looking for. Bingo. It looked like a small gas station, and looking through the glass Rantaro could tell that no one had been in there. He pushed the door opening, hearing a bell go off. There was no point in that bell anymore. There wasn't anyone to notify of his entrance. Rantaro walked in, and began looking around. There were definitely a lot of materials in the store, in which Rantaro pulled out a large bag. It didn't take him all too long to get the things that they needed. It had really only taken a few minutes, in all actuality.

Rantaro exited the shop, feeling accomplished. He looked around the street, checking to make sure there weren't any other people to capture him or anything. Finding the street empty, Rantaro let out a sigh of relief. It'd really suck if I lived this long to get killed here. He thought. Rantaro began walking back, analyzing the buildings as he was passing by. Rantaro always had one other objective whenever he was out scavenging. To check for places that would be good to live.

There wasn't anything wrong with their base of operations. The only issue was that if their location was to get leaked in any way, they would need to leave at a moment's notice. Rantaro had decided to scout out areas where they could go if a situation would call for it. Nothing had happened so far, but Rantaro had determined it would only be a matter of time. Rantaro spotted a building in the distance that could possibly be used if it were to happen. Keep that in mind. Just in case. Rantaro nodded, as if supporting his own decisions. He then continued walking, smiling a little to himself. This'll get better. I believe so. Someone will fix it. Rantaro sighed. It's not like me to think this positively. I wonder why. He shrugged to himself, as he kept on walking back towards Class 53's base of operations. Rantaro found himself lost in thought, when he suddenly heard a couple voices from his left.

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