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The group followed Rantaro, as they all ended up questioning Shuichi about what had happened with Kokichi. Shuichi had brushed all of them off quickly, not really wanting to talk about it. Although, he was going to tell at least someone all the details. Well, at least Miu would most likely know what happen. Afterall, he had left the earpiece on when Kokichi had broken in. Why the earpiece had been in his room just lying on the table, he didn't remember, but he was glad it had been there. He'd talk to Miu about the conversation later, and see if it was recorded on her portable laptop.

The group were walking in the open, finding the streets completely empty. They were moving around the edges of the city, as the place Rantaro was heading towards was not close to the middle of the city. Even thought they were much farther away, Shuichi could still clearly see the Ultimate Despairs' main base of operations. It was quite tall, afterall. He stared at the building for a moment, before he walked over to Miu. "H-Hey, Miu?"

"Huh? What'chu want, dickweed?" Miu looked away from the open laptop in her arms, sliding the headphones she had on her head down. They rested hanging around her neck. 

"I wanted to ask, did you hear what happened, y'know, with Kokichi?" Shuichi asked.

Miu paused for a moment, before she grinned. She took the headphone off her neck and forced them onto Shuichi's head. It was an awkward movement, as they were still walking, but it worked somehow. She quickly clicked a button on her laptop.

"What brings that up? Is it because you love me?" Shuichi blushed, taking the headphones off immediately. Miu laughed.

"Well would ya look at that! Fuckin' virgin can't even listen to an audio recording!" Miu put the headphone back on her neck. "As for your question, it's pretty fuckin' obvious I'm listening to the audio right now."

Shuichi fiddled with his hair, sighing. "M-Miu, I really didn't need to listen to that again..."

Miu huffed. "Well, you wanted my answer. I gave it to you, you ungrateful bastard." She grumbled. "Anyways, why the fuck did you want to know? I have a feelin' that you want something from me." Miu paused for a moment, grinning. "Well, I wouldn't blame you! This gorgeous girl has a lot to offer!"

Shuichi laughed softly, finding slight comfort in the fact that Miu was still her vulgar self. "Y-Yeah, you're right." Miu grinned, pumping her fist into the air. "I just, I wanted to tell a couple other of our friends about what happened, in exact detail. And, having an audio recording would be much easier to explain all of it than just, reciting everything that happened."

Miu thought for a moment, before she nodded. "Well, alright. That does make sense." Miu put the headphones back on. "But don't keep acting all flustery and shit in front of the others." Miu sighed. "I mean, I guess I could have understood back then, but now, I don't fuckin' understand how you could get so embarrassed by the abortion." Miu then continued to listen to the audio, and Shuichi walked away, coming a bit closer to Rantaro. He was glad, that only Kaede and Kaito were walking with him. They were they people he wanted to tell them about the whole situation anyways. As well as, the plan he was hatching at that current moment.

Shuichi came up next to Kaede, waving at them. "H-Hey, guys. Are you all doing okay?"

"Oh! Yeah, I think so." Kaede looked to the other two. They both nodded. Kaede turned back to Shuichi and nodded. "Yup! So, what's up? I'm assuming you want to tell us something?"

Shuichi nodded. "Yeah, I do."

"Well, what is it, sidekick?" Kaito asked, walking around to Shuichi's other side.

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