Until I Die

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It was finally going the way Kokichi had wanted it to. 

Hiyoko: Captured.

Ibuki: Captured.

Mahiru: Captured.

Teruteru: Captured.

Mikan: Captured.

Five out of the fifteen Remnants had been captured by Class 53 and the Future Foundation employees. And they weren't capable of being found. It made Kokichi smile. I guess it was a good thing I was captured that one day. They were capable of figuring out that there had been a tracker on me, and that there would be one on the other Remnants as well. That was the main reason Kokichi was unable to just up and leave the building. On the first day, Kazuichi had placed trackers on every single Remnant, just in case something might have happened. What Kokichi hadn't realized back then was that Kazuichi had somehow managed to place the tracker inside of each Remnant. Kokichi wasn't capable of removing it, and there was no one he could go to to remove it either. It was stuck with him, so he was stuck within that building.

It had never quite been Kokichi's intention to have stayed acting as the leader of the Remnants, but that tracker had thrown a wrench into his original plans. Now, he was stuck in the situation he so desperately wanted to escape, but there was no possible way he could. There was no way he could convince anyone that he wasn't as terrible as they thought he was. No way, not at all. So, he'd compromise with the fact that he could still somewhat enjoy the fact that his plan was working this time.

Kokichi walked around his room, kicking at plastic shards that were scattered across the ground. There were no longer any more Monokuma masks in the corner of his room. He'd pretty much broken all of them by now. Kokichi huffed, stepping on a larger piece of plastic, hearing it crack underneath his weight. What do I even do while I'm waiting? The Remnants have been sticking together recently. How do I figure out how to make them split up? He wondered, kicking the new bits across his room. Y'know, speaking of that, how the hell will they be capable of capturing Izuru? He has every single talent in existence, doesn't he? Kokichi pondered, coming to a stop in the middle of his room. Maybe I could attempt to convince him to, turn himself over? Possibly? Kokichi groaned. No, that couldn't work, would it? He's been a Remnant of Despair for years. Why would he just suddenly give up?

Kokichi walked to his wall, lightly thumping his head on it. C'mon, Kokichi, think! Think of anything, anything at all! What could I possibly do to help them out without giving away my intentions to the other Remnants? Kokichi bit on his thumbnail, racking his brain for any type of idea. He found his attempt completely fruitless. He walked to the bed located in the room, sitting down next to it, burying his face into his arms. I just can't think of anything. What could someone possibly do against someone like that? He sighed, going fully silent. He didn't have any options. He couldn't possibly fight Izuru or anything, and his old friends surely couldn't either. What was someone supposed to do against someone as broken as Izuru? God, I hate you, Hope's Peak. You're the ones who've caused all these problems for me.

Kokichi squeezed his arms, hiding his face even further into them. Why does it have to be so hard? I wanted to be a Supreme Leader, but not like this. I was fine... just having D.I.C.E. Kokichi froze at the thought. D.I.C.E... Kokichi curled even further into himself, the urge to cry coming over him. Why'd you have to think of that? Why... just why...? Kokichi had wished, oh so much, that he hadn't gone and researched what had happened to D.I.C.E. It had probably been one of his biggest mistakes during his time as a 'Remnant of Despair'. Long story cut short, they... weren't here anymore.

Kokichi took long, shuddering breaths as he began to start tearing up. Why them? Why'd it have to go like this for me? Why is it that every single thing in the world hates me? Kokichi coughed. All I wanted to do, was to keep the people I cared about alive. And then I'm the one who gets punished for it? It feels, just, so unfair. Kokichi sighed, staying rather quiet this time around. No, maybe it's fair enough. I've still done things that could be considered terrible. I caused Future Foundation's demise at that battle, and I've made too many plans for the Remnants. Even if I didn't want to, I still did it. Kokichi squeezed himself tighter, more tears falling from his eyes. C'mon, why can't I just be dealt with yet? I don't want to keep doing this anymore, just put me out of my misery already.

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