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Well, I'm finally done now. I know it's been like, a month since a wrote the ending, but whatever. It's Kokichi's birthday, so I guess I can write this now. I have a no Danganronpa story, if you want to go check it out. It's a Fantasy Au. Yeah, I ended up picking that one, since it had a pretty interesting concept that I enjoyed quite a lot. It's called "Questions, Questions, Questions". It's a lot easier to read if you just click on my profile, rather than search it up. It's pretty plot focused, so hopefully it'll be interesting. I mean, there's a lot of bullsh*t, since it's fantasy, but hopefully it'll make some sense.

But anyways, I would like to say thanks, to the people who are reading. I was always, just kinda nervous to do this. I just decided to because one, I had nothing else to do. Two, I finally found a single ship I actually kinda liked. And three, I came up with an idea that I would enjoy writing. It was my first time writing something like this, as well as my first time using Wattpad.

I'd just like to thank you all quickly, for making this really enjoyable for me. Just, watching people shout at me in comments made me laugh, because tbh I was shouting at myself as well. I mean, typically I get really angry at stories like this, but I couldn't help myself with the idea. I was glad that a couple of you made some jokes as well, because I made a ton of them too. I can't really remember them right now, but there were some real  k n e e   s l a p p e r s. (HAHAHA-)

I might end up writing other things as well over the summer, but I can't quite be sure. I could be doing something later in July, but that hasn't been confirmed yet. If I do, I'll probably say something. 

Anyways, this story did help me a little bit in being slightly more confident in writing flirty stuff I guess. I don't really understand why, but I get tons of second hand embarrassment from just a couple words or gestures, for whatever reason. I was able to power through my embarrassment, and I'm hoping I can start writing the word 'kiss' soon without f*cking melting in my chair. Actually, no. I hope I can write 'I love you' without feeling the need to light my self on fire. Why the F*CK CAN'T I WRITE THAT WITHOUT DYING ON THE INSIDE? Like seriously, what's with that? I makes me a bit mad, tbh, but like I guess that's just part of my personality.

But anyways, yeah I'd like to say thanks Danganronpa because now I can't stop f*cking hiking about oumasai because that's the only ship that I've enjoyed in my LIFE and that is strangely odd, considering how I've watched way too much f*cking anime and read too many comics. So I mean, this is really rare for me. It's rare for me to even consider romance, but I hope you enjoyed my attempt at it. I'm probably gonna ask two of my friends for a little help, just maybe, since those two... well.... 

(You f*cking know who you are, you Shuichi kin >:(((() 

The other one doesn't read this, (I think), but if you are, you're a Kirumi kin lmao. I can't write fluff at all, so I'm going to hire you for that sh*t. Both of you, anyways, because I'd probably fall into cardiac arrest before I can write 'passionate' and the word 'kiss' together.

Anyways, uh, off topic a by a lot, but I wasn't sure what exactly to be writing here. I'd like to say thank you once again, for making my day pretty enjoyable. Whenever I saw the little red circle in the top right corner, I'd get pretty excited. It gave me something to do, and I really enjoyed my time writings this.

Well, anyways, that's really all I have to say! Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a good life! :D

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