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Kokichi found himself in the middle of the street, tears running down his face. I know that was the right thing to do, but... Kokichi winced, shuddering. God, that hurt. Seeing Shuichi cry like that again. I hope he'll be okay. Kokichi began walking back to the base, going slowly so that his eyes wouldn't be red by the time he came back. He suppressed his urge to keep crying, forcing his mind to go blank. He walked back, however he had wished he'd made sure that his old friends had escaped. He believed in Shuichi's deduction skills, in that he'd figure out that Kokichi would come to attack them very soon. They're still going to be somewhere around here, especially considering that there are Future Foundation employees with them. Plus, Rantaro never ventured that far away. They'll still be located somewhere in the city.

Kokichi stopped for a moment, sighing. Good. Then Maki or someone will come and end my life. Kokichi winced at the thought, that this story would have to end up with him dead. There was no avoiding it, it would have to happen. He'd dug himself too deep into this grave, he wasn't going to be getting out of it. No one would be able to figure out his situations, not at all. There was no way. If he tried to explain his situation as it is, they'd only determine it as a lie. Even if they did believe him, no one else would, and then he'd be executed by Future Foundation. A pained smile spread across his face. Even if by some miracle that didn't happen, the world would be in turmoil at the fact I'm still alive. Kokichi felt like crying again, but pushed the urge down once again. I don't want to die, but, if it helps everyone, then I guess that's my only choice. Kokichi sighed, and continued walking.

For whatever reason, as he was walking, he began to reflect on the past. I wonder, does Shuichi really mean it now? Since I'm obviously the scum of the Earth, he probably hates me with all his heart. Kokichi sniffed. Don't think about that, it'll just make you cry again. Despite telling himself that, he did anyways.


It had been quite the normal day, in that it wasn't normal at all. That's just how it worked at Hope's Peak, there was never anything normal going on at that school. However, Kokichi did like that about the school, in it that he himself could be abnormal as well. 

"Good morning, Kokichi." Kokichi turned around, seeing the detective behind.

"Aw, Shuichi, do you love me so much that you had to greet me this early in the morning?" Kokichi teased. Shuichi blushed, shaking his head.

"N-No! I don't think about it that way!" He refuted. Kokichi laughed.

"Are you sure~?" Shuichi sighed, realizing he couldn't win. "Hey, that's no fun! Why aren't you refuting me? That's what a detective does!" Kokichi gasped. "Have you lost your edge, Mr. Detective? Have you truly fallen for a criminal? I can't believe this!" Kokichi laughed. "I know that I'm amazing, but I didn't think I'd be able to steal your heart this easily."

Shuichi covered his face up with his hat. "K-Kokichi... please..."

Kokichi paused. "Oh alrighty. I'll stop, but just for you, 'kay?" Shuichi let out a sigh of relief, the two of them going silent. Kokichi analyzed Shuichi's face for a moment. "Are you okay? You look like you want to tell me something."

Shuichi shook his head. "N-No, not exactly..." He trailed off.

Kokichi frowned. "C'mon, Shuichi! I'm your friend! Can't you tell me what's happening?" Kokichi turned away, glaring at nothing. "I swear, if it's those cowards again I'll beat them up myself this time."

Shuichi startled, shaking his head furiously. "D-Don't do that!" He shouted. Kokichi whipped around, a little astonished at Shuichi's sudden outburst. "T-They aren't terrible people. T-They're right to say that I don't belong here." Shuichi broke eye contact, looking away. "I-I really don't understand how I even got into this school." Shuichi winced. "I really don't deserve to..."

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