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Kokichi was quietly painting over his wall once again. He knew he had already covered up the picture, but for whatever reason, he was nervous that the paint would just fall off and Junko would be back once again. After confirming he had put on enough layers of paint, Kokichi stood up, walking away from the wall. His mental state, wasn't all that great. It was getting a little harder for him to lie, as he was just getting frustrated all the time. He really needed someone to talk to, but he never would have anyone for that. No one at all. He'd always be alone.

Kokichi glared at the floor. I hate it. I hate it all. He ran his fingers through his hair, attempting to calm himself down. It however, did not work that well. He was still seething with rage, and he couldn't force it down. He'd have to, though, otherwise he wouldn't be able to lie. He can't let anyone know. That was the whole point of what he was doing. No one could know, or it'd all be over. I need to be the bad guy. They deserve a happy ending. Kokichi rubbed his shoulders, walking across his room again. He glanced at a corner of his room, spotting a stack of Monokuma masks. He let his arms drop, and walked over to the pile. Kokichi stood there for a moment, before picking up one of the masks. 

It was made of plastic, and it was incredibly smooth. Kokichi lightly rubbed the surface. Why are there so many? Who even made Monokuma? No, that was Junko. Kokichi narrowed his eyes. Always fucking Junko. That despair obsessed bitch. I hate her! Kokichi then threw the mask on the floor, the plastic breaking into pieces. He then immediately grabbed another, and thew it against the wall. It broke again. Then he grabbed another. It shattered on the floor. Then another. The pieces flew in all directions. Another. Thousands of pieces riddled the floor. One more. It hit the ground. Kokichi glared at the mask, stomping his foot on it, crushing it.

I hate her! I hate everything about her! Any thing or trait about her, I completely and utterly despise! There isn't a thing that could be considered redeemable about her! Kokichi felt like screaming it out, but he couldn't do that. Even with the soundproof room, there's always a chance someone would come in right now. Nagito definitely would. Kokichi let out a frustrated sigh, wiping his eyes. He couldn't afford to cry at that moment, he had to keep up his facade. He would say, that he felt a little better, taking his anger out on breaking stuff. Sure, there was a lot of plastic all over the floor, but he could clean it up later. Or just, never. It wouldn't bother him too much for plastic to be all over his floor.

The pieces were small enough that no one would really be able to tell what had been broken, which he was thankful for. He looked back at the stack, there being notably less masks. I guess I can take it out on these things. They don't really do much, but breaking them is fun. Kokichi sighed, rubbing his eyes. Lucky me. I didn't get plastic in my eyes. Maybe Nagito's luck is doing that, I don't know.

He heard a sudden knock on his door. Kokichi turned towards the door, his hands dropping. Wonder what Nagito wants with me. Or maybe it's like Maki or someone coming to kill me. Kokichi walked to the door, and flung it open. "Hey Nagito! What'cha need from me?"

"Ah, nothing. I'm just telling you I've finally figure out where to go." Nagito said. Kokichi noticed the look on his face. He's probably seen what a mess my room is. Probably wondering what happened in here. "Just though I'd tell you."

Kokichi titled his head. "Huh? Why? Is there something you're not telling me?" Kokichi grinned. "Huh? Huh? What's your super secret, Nagitoe?"

Nagito laughed. "No, it's not anything in particular. I wanted to be considerate."

Kokichi raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I see! You adore your leader so much that you had to come say goodbye to me!" He laughed. "I've seen right through your lies, Nagito!" Nagito laughed a little himself, patting Kokichi on the head.

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